printdocument 添加空白页
printdocument adds blank page
我正在尝试使用 printdocument 从数据库中打印数据,我将其打印到指定范围内的数据,但仍然有 2 处出错了
- 在打印时,如果页面几乎被完全使用,它会添加一个空白页面,上面只打印一个页眉
- 如果一页已满,则下一页再次从该范围的第一项开始(通过使用多个列表修复,因为我无法弄清楚如何使用子列表制作列表)
这是我必须调用 printdocument 的代码
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//print
if (artikel == true)
itemperpage = totalnumber = 0;
printPreviewDialog1.Document = printDocument1;
print = true;
// this.Close();
catch (Exception q) { MessageBox.Show("" + q); }
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
if (artikel == true)
Font messageFont = new Font("Arial", 14, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point);
float currentY = 10;// declare one variable for height measurement
e.Graphics.DrawString(" I N K O O P A R T I K E L E N ", DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 10, currentY);//this will print one heading/title in every page of the document
currentY += 15;
SqlCommand artprint = new SqlCommand("select * from ART WHERE ART BETWEEN @range AND @range2 ORDER BY ART ASC", Connectie.connMEVO_ART);
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex <= comboBox2.SelectedIndex)
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox1.SelectedItem;
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox2.SelectedItem;
else if (comboBox2.SelectedIndex <= comboBox1.SelectedIndex)
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox2.SelectedItem;
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox1.SelectedItem;
drART = artprint.ExecuteReader();
while (totalnumber <= amount - 1 && drART.Read())
{// check the number of items
tostring();//SQL data to string
row = row + Environment.NewLine + "ART LEV LTD MVRD SGR INK CRNI " + " VALUTA KOR ";
row = row + Environment.NewLine + aa + " " + a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d + " " + m + " " + f + " " + g + " " + h;
row = row + Environment.NewLine + "EH2 EH1 EF OMS ";
row = row + Environment.NewLine + j + " " + k + " " + l + " " + i;
row = row + Environment.NewLine;
e.Graphics.DrawString(row, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, currentY);//print each item
Debug.WriteLine("" + row);
row = "";
currentY += 80; // set a gap between every item
totalnumber += 1; //increment count by 1
if (itemperpage <= 12)
itemperpage += 1; // increment itemperpage by 1
e.HasMorePages = false; // set the HasMorePages property to false , so that no other page will not be added
else // if the number of item(per page) is more than 12 then add one page
itemperpage = 0; //initiate itemperpage to 0 .
e.HasMorePages = true; //e.HasMorePages raised the PrintPage event once per page .
return;//It will call PrintPage event again
catch (Exception ef)
MessageBox.Show("" + ef);
private void tostring()
aa = drART["ART"].ToString();
for (int ss = aa.Length; ss < 8; ss++) { aa = aa + " "; }
a = drART["LEV"].ToString();
for (int ss = a.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { a = a + " "; }
b = drART["LTD"].ToString();
for (int ss = b.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { b = b + " "; }
c = drART["MVRD"].ToString();
for (int ss = c.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { c = c + " "; }
d = drART["SGR"].ToString();
for (int ss = d.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { d = d + " "; }
m = drART["INK"].ToString();
for (int ss = m.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { m = m + " "; }
f = drART["CRNI"].ToString();
for (int ss = f.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { f = f + " "; }
g = drART["VALUTA"].ToString();
for (int ss = g.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { g = g + " "; }
h = drART["KOR"].ToString();
for (int ss = h.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { h = h + " "; }
i = drART["OMS"].ToString();
j = drART["EH2"].ToString();
for (int ss = j.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { j = j + " "; }
k = drART["EH1"].ToString();
for (int ss = k.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { k = k + " "; }
l = drART["EF"].ToString();
for (int ss = l.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { l = l + " "; }
我将首先讨论您的代码的几个问题,然后向您展示如何在多个页面上打印 DB 中的项目的示例..
请帮自己一个忙,小心选择变量的名称!是的,这需要更长的时间,但它会付出代价,相信我。 (如果你不能想出任何令人信服的东西,退后一步!这通常表明你对问题的理解不够透彻..)
// layout variables
int itemsPerPage = 40; // how many items fit on one page
int itemHeight = 25; // height of one item in the chosen unit
// print job variables
int totalNumber = -1; // total number of records/items coming from the dbms
int itemsToPrint = 75; // total number of items we want to print
// print progress variables
int itemsPrinted = 0; // number of items printed so far
int pagesPrinted = 0; // number of pages printed
还有一个问题就是你选择的单位,准确的说是没有选择单位。默认的 GraphicsUnit
是 Display
,打印等于 1/100 英寸。如果你喜欢,我建议用代码编写它来记录它。这个单元将在整个布局过程中使用,所以它应该在代码中可见!我个人更喜欢毫米。还有其他几个单位..选择你的但记录下来!
您还应该研究的另一件事是 String.Format()
and string.PadLeft()
。它们比 tostring()
另一个问题是您设置 DB 读取的方式:您需要在开始打印的地方而不是在 PrintPage
循环中设置 reader。注意:这些实际上是 两个 循环:一个是可见的 while (...reader.Read() )
,另一个外层循环是 implict:整个 PrintPage
代码。我把它变成了returns最大记录数的函数。我第一步获取计数。然后我设置 DataReader
用于真正的阅读,这将在 PrintPage
请注意,我使用的是 MySql
,但 类 几乎相同,只是带有 MySQl
MySqlConnection DBC = new MySqlConnection("");
MySqlCommand CMD = null;
MySqlDataReader DR = null;
int range ()
CMD = new MySqlCommand("select count(0) from test.artists ", DBC);
var count = CMD.ExecuteScalar();
int counter = Convert.ToInt32(count);
CMD = new MySqlCommand("select artist_ID, artist, genres from test.artists ", DBC);
DR = CMD.ExecuteReader();
return (int)counter;
private void cb_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
totalNumber = range();
if (DBC.State == ConnectionState.Open)
pagesPrinted = 0;
printPreviewDlg.Document = printDocument1;
} catch (Exception q) { MessageBox.Show("" + q); }
请注意 Reader
是在 range
最后 PrintPage
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender,
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
// my page unit
e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
// starting a new page
int itemsOnPage = 0;
float currentY = 12;
"HEADER - printing {0} items of {1} - Page {2}",
itemsToPrint, totalNumber, pagesPrinted),
Font, Brushes.Black, 1, currentY);
currentY += 30; // header height
// page is not full and we want to print more items
while (itemsOnPage < itemsPerPage && itemsPrinted < itemsToPrint - 1
&& DR.Read())
string row = String.Format("{0,5:000} Artist: {1,20} ({2}) ",
DR[0], DR[1], DR[2]);
e.Graphics.DrawString(row, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, currentY);
// Console.WriteLine("" + row);
currentY += itemHeight;
// we want to print more items but now the page is full
if ( itemsPrinted < itemsToPrint && itemsOnPage >= itemsPerPage)
itemsOnPage = 0;
e.HasMorePages = true;
// this will only be used after all data are printed
e.HasMorePages = false;
} catch (Exception ef)
MessageBox.Show("" + ef);
也有这个问题。在我的情况下,原因是事件处理程序 void PrintDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
中的一行 e.HasMorePages = true;
(e 是 PrintPageEventArgs)。每次您声明 e.HasMorePages = true;
private void PrintDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
if (currentPagePrinting <= maxPagePrinting) {
// do some drawing on e.Graphics as you like
e.HasMorePages = (currentPagePrinting <= maxPagePrinting);
} else
e.HasMorePages = false;
// also set this value to 1 in PrintDoc_BeginPrint event handler (declare it)
currentPagePrinting = 1;
我正在尝试使用 printdocument 从数据库中打印数据,我将其打印到指定范围内的数据,但仍然有 2 处出错了
- 在打印时,如果页面几乎被完全使用,它会添加一个空白页面,上面只打印一个页眉
- 如果一页已满,则下一页再次从该范围的第一项开始(通过使用多个列表修复,因为我无法弄清楚如何使用子列表制作列表)
这是我必须调用 printdocument 的代码
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//print
if (artikel == true)
itemperpage = totalnumber = 0;
printPreviewDialog1.Document = printDocument1;
print = true;
// this.Close();
catch (Exception q) { MessageBox.Show("" + q); }
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
if (artikel == true)
Font messageFont = new Font("Arial", 14, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point);
float currentY = 10;// declare one variable for height measurement
e.Graphics.DrawString(" I N K O O P A R T I K E L E N ", DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 10, currentY);//this will print one heading/title in every page of the document
currentY += 15;
SqlCommand artprint = new SqlCommand("select * from ART WHERE ART BETWEEN @range AND @range2 ORDER BY ART ASC", Connectie.connMEVO_ART);
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex <= comboBox2.SelectedIndex)
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox1.SelectedItem;
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox2.SelectedItem;
else if (comboBox2.SelectedIndex <= comboBox1.SelectedIndex)
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox2.SelectedItem;
artprint.Parameters.Add("@range2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comboBox1.SelectedItem;
drART = artprint.ExecuteReader();
while (totalnumber <= amount - 1 && drART.Read())
{// check the number of items
tostring();//SQL data to string
row = row + Environment.NewLine + "ART LEV LTD MVRD SGR INK CRNI " + " VALUTA KOR ";
row = row + Environment.NewLine + aa + " " + a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d + " " + m + " " + f + " " + g + " " + h;
row = row + Environment.NewLine + "EH2 EH1 EF OMS ";
row = row + Environment.NewLine + j + " " + k + " " + l + " " + i;
row = row + Environment.NewLine;
e.Graphics.DrawString(row, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, currentY);//print each item
Debug.WriteLine("" + row);
row = "";
currentY += 80; // set a gap between every item
totalnumber += 1; //increment count by 1
if (itemperpage <= 12)
itemperpage += 1; // increment itemperpage by 1
e.HasMorePages = false; // set the HasMorePages property to false , so that no other page will not be added
else // if the number of item(per page) is more than 12 then add one page
itemperpage = 0; //initiate itemperpage to 0 .
e.HasMorePages = true; //e.HasMorePages raised the PrintPage event once per page .
return;//It will call PrintPage event again
catch (Exception ef)
MessageBox.Show("" + ef);
private void tostring()
aa = drART["ART"].ToString();
for (int ss = aa.Length; ss < 8; ss++) { aa = aa + " "; }
a = drART["LEV"].ToString();
for (int ss = a.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { a = a + " "; }
b = drART["LTD"].ToString();
for (int ss = b.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { b = b + " "; }
c = drART["MVRD"].ToString();
for (int ss = c.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { c = c + " "; }
d = drART["SGR"].ToString();
for (int ss = d.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { d = d + " "; }
m = drART["INK"].ToString();
for (int ss = m.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { m = m + " "; }
f = drART["CRNI"].ToString();
for (int ss = f.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { f = f + " "; }
g = drART["VALUTA"].ToString();
for (int ss = g.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { g = g + " "; }
h = drART["KOR"].ToString();
for (int ss = h.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { h = h + " "; }
i = drART["OMS"].ToString();
j = drART["EH2"].ToString();
for (int ss = j.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { j = j + " "; }
k = drART["EH1"].ToString();
for (int ss = k.Length; ss < 3; ss++) { k = k + " "; }
l = drART["EF"].ToString();
for (int ss = l.Length; ss < 10; ss++) { l = l + " "; }
我将首先讨论您的代码的几个问题,然后向您展示如何在多个页面上打印 DB 中的项目的示例..
请帮自己一个忙,小心选择变量的名称!是的,这需要更长的时间,但它会付出代价,相信我。 (如果你不能想出任何令人信服的东西,退后一步!这通常表明你对问题的理解不够透彻..)
// layout variables
int itemsPerPage = 40; // how many items fit on one page
int itemHeight = 25; // height of one item in the chosen unit
// print job variables
int totalNumber = -1; // total number of records/items coming from the dbms
int itemsToPrint = 75; // total number of items we want to print
// print progress variables
int itemsPrinted = 0; // number of items printed so far
int pagesPrinted = 0; // number of pages printed
还有一个问题就是你选择的单位,准确的说是没有选择单位。默认的 GraphicsUnit
是 Display
,打印等于 1/100 英寸。如果你喜欢,我建议用代码编写它来记录它。这个单元将在整个布局过程中使用,所以它应该在代码中可见!我个人更喜欢毫米。还有其他几个单位..选择你的但记录下来!
您还应该研究的另一件事是 String.Format()
and string.PadLeft()
。它们比 tostring()
另一个问题是您设置 DB 读取的方式:您需要在开始打印的地方而不是在 PrintPage
循环中设置 reader。注意:这些实际上是 两个 循环:一个是可见的 while (...reader.Read() )
,另一个外层循环是 implict:整个 PrintPage
代码。我把它变成了returns最大记录数的函数。我第一步获取计数。然后我设置 DataReader
用于真正的阅读,这将在 PrintPage
请注意,我使用的是 MySql
,但 类 几乎相同,只是带有 MySQl
MySqlConnection DBC = new MySqlConnection("");
MySqlCommand CMD = null;
MySqlDataReader DR = null;
int range ()
CMD = new MySqlCommand("select count(0) from test.artists ", DBC);
var count = CMD.ExecuteScalar();
int counter = Convert.ToInt32(count);
CMD = new MySqlCommand("select artist_ID, artist, genres from test.artists ", DBC);
DR = CMD.ExecuteReader();
return (int)counter;
private void cb_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
totalNumber = range();
if (DBC.State == ConnectionState.Open)
pagesPrinted = 0;
printPreviewDlg.Document = printDocument1;
} catch (Exception q) { MessageBox.Show("" + q); }
请注意 Reader
是在 range
最后 PrintPage
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender,
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
// my page unit
e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
// starting a new page
int itemsOnPage = 0;
float currentY = 12;
"HEADER - printing {0} items of {1} - Page {2}",
itemsToPrint, totalNumber, pagesPrinted),
Font, Brushes.Black, 1, currentY);
currentY += 30; // header height
// page is not full and we want to print more items
while (itemsOnPage < itemsPerPage && itemsPrinted < itemsToPrint - 1
&& DR.Read())
string row = String.Format("{0,5:000} Artist: {1,20} ({2}) ",
DR[0], DR[1], DR[2]);
e.Graphics.DrawString(row, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, currentY);
// Console.WriteLine("" + row);
currentY += itemHeight;
// we want to print more items but now the page is full
if ( itemsPrinted < itemsToPrint && itemsOnPage >= itemsPerPage)
itemsOnPage = 0;
e.HasMorePages = true;
// this will only be used after all data are printed
e.HasMorePages = false;
} catch (Exception ef)
MessageBox.Show("" + ef);
也有这个问题。在我的情况下,原因是事件处理程序 void PrintDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
中的一行 e.HasMorePages = true;
(e 是 PrintPageEventArgs)。每次您声明 e.HasMorePages = true;
private void PrintDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
if (currentPagePrinting <= maxPagePrinting) {
// do some drawing on e.Graphics as you like
e.HasMorePages = (currentPagePrinting <= maxPagePrinting);
} else
e.HasMorePages = false;
// also set this value to 1 in PrintDoc_BeginPrint event handler (declare it)
currentPagePrinting = 1;