我如何伪造 Assembly.LoadFile 和 Assembly.GetTypes?

How can I fake Assembly.LoadFile and Assembly.GetTypes?


Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(fileName);
Type[] asmTypes = loggerAssembly.GetTypes();

当我键入 System.Reflection.ShimAssembly 时,没有 ShimAssembly 这样的类型,例如在 System.IO.ShimFile 的情况下,只有 StubAssembly

我可以重构代码并使用像 LoadAssemblyAndGetTypes 这样的静态辅助方法来完成它,但这似乎是一个不必要的解决方法。我更喜欢官方解决方案。


var shimAsm = System.Reflection.Fakes.ShimAssembly.LoadFile = (fileName) => 
   return ???

var types = shimAsm.GetTypes = () => 
   return new Type[] { new object() };

为什么它适用于 System.IO.File 而不适用于 System.Reflection.Assembly。这是因为 Assembly 是抽象的 class 吗?



@Patrick Tseng - Visual Studio 团队 - 写在 Shim mscorlib and system limitations:

...we DO have a list of type we purposely not allowing them to be shimmed. Reason being that it could potentially cause recurisvely calling into your detour delegate from CLR runtime itself. E.g If CLR runtime uses a type in System.Reflection during runtime and you happen to detour functions in this type. You might end up causing expected behavior since runtime behavior will totally be changed.

In short, we don't shim value type, System.Reflection., System.Runtime., XamlGeneratedNamespace, and a few other types which we deem is important and will not shim them.
