是否有任何关于 Microsoft ping Azure 辅助角色端口的已知文档?

Is there any known documentation about Microsoft pinging Azure Worker Role Ports?

我有一个 Azure 辅助角色,它侦听端口上的请求。多个 Microsoft 拥有的 IP 每 4-17 秒不间断地 ping 该套接字。看起来他们断开连接导致我的应用程序出错。我现在只是在打开了一些个人日志记录后才注意到它。

有人听说过 Microsoft ping 你的开放端口吗?

源 IP 是

Azure 使用称为网络探测的机制来识别部署的运行状况。我认为您看到的是该服务的行为。

"Guest agent probe (on PaaS VMs only). Azure Load Balancer utilizes the guest agent inside the virtual machine. It listens and responds with an HTTP 200 OK response only when the instance is in the Ready state (i.e. the instance is not in a state like Busy, Recycling, or Stopping). If the guest agent fails to respond with an HTTP 200 OK, Azure Load Balancer marks the instance as unresponsive and stops sending traffic to that instance. Load Balancer will continue to ping the instance." 来自 documentation.
