
how to delete node from doubly-linked list

我目前正在尝试从双向链表中删除一个节点,但是当只剩下一个项目时,它会在第 11 行 (*sPtr)->prevPtr = NULL; 上尝试删除它时抛出访问冲突异常。这是我当前的删除功能:

char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value)
    ListNodePtr previousPtr; /* pointer to previous node in list */
    ListNodePtr currentPtr; /* pointer to current node in list */
    ListNodePtr tempPtr; /* temporary node pointer */

    /* delete first node */
    if (value == (*sPtr)->data) {
        tempPtr = *sPtr; /* hold onto node being removed */
        *sPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr; /* de-thread the node */
        (*sPtr)->prevPtr = NULL;
        if ((*sPtr)->nextPtr != NULL) {
            free(tempPtr); /* free the de-threaded node */
        return value;
    } /* end if */
    else {
        previousPtr = *sPtr;
        currentPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr;

        /* loop to find the correct location in the list */
        while (currentPtr != NULL && currentPtr->data != value) {
            previousPtr = currentPtr; /* walk to ...   */
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; /* ... next node */
        } /* end while */

          /* delete node at currentPtr */
        if (currentPtr != NULL) {
            tempPtr = currentPtr;
            previousPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
            return value;
        } /* end if */
    } /* end else */

    return '[=10=]';


这是我的 listNode 结构的主要功能:

struct listNode {
    char data; /* each listNode contains a character */
    struct listNode *nextPtr; /* pointer to next node*/
    struct listNode *prevPtr; /* pointer to previous node*/
}; /* end structure listNode */

typedef struct listNode ListNode; /* synonym for struct listNode */
typedef ListNode *ListNodePtr; /* synonym for ListNode* */

        /* prototypes */
void insert(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value);
char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value);
int isEmpty(ListNodePtr sPtr);
void printList(ListNodePtr currentPtr);
void printReverse(ListNodePtr currentPtr);
void instructions(void);

int main(void)
    ListNodePtr startPtr = NULL; /* initially there are no nodes */
    int choice; /* user's choice */
    char item; /* char entered by user */

    instructions(); /* display the menu */
    printf("? ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    /* loop while user does not choose 3 */
    while (choice != 3) {

        switch (choice) {
        case 1:
            printf("Enter a character: ");
            scanf("\n%c", &item);
            insert(&startPtr, item); /* insert item in list */
        case 2:
            /* if list is not empty */
            if (!isEmpty(startPtr)) {
                printf("Enter character to be deleted: ");
                scanf("\n%c", &item);

                /* if character is found, remove it */
                if (del(&startPtr, item)) { /* remove item */
                    printf("%c deleted.\n", item);
                } /* end if */
                else {
                    printf("%c not found.\n\n", item);
                } /* end else */
            } /* end if */
            else {
                printf("List is empty.\n\n");
            } /* end else */

            printf("Invalid choice.\n\n");
        } /* end switch */

        printf("? ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
    } /* end while */

    printf("End of run.\n");
    return 0; /* indicates successful termination */
} /* end main */

这是我的 printReverse 和 printList 函数:

void printList(ListNodePtr currentPtr)

    /* if list is empty */
    if (currentPtr == NULL) {
        printf("List is empty.\n\n");
    } /* end if */
    else {
        printf("The list is:\n");

        /* while not the end of the list */
        while (currentPtr != NULL) {
            printf("%c --> ", currentPtr->data);
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
        } /* end while */

    } /* end else */
} /* end function printList */

void printReverse(ListNodePtr currentPtr)
    /* if list is empty */
    if (currentPtr == NULL) {
        printf("List is empty.\n\n");
    } /* end if */
    else {
        printf("The list in reverse is:\n");

        while (currentPtr->nextPtr != NULL)
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;

        /* while not the beginning of the list */
        while (currentPtr != NULL) {
            printf("%c --> ", currentPtr->data);
            currentPtr = currentPtr->prevPtr;
        } /* end while */

    } /* end else */
} /* end function printList */

我真的希望这能让我更清楚地了解正在发生的一切,因为过去 3 天我一直坚持这个问题,而且我在网上几乎找不到任何话题来谈论如何做我的事情'我在做,因为列表在插入和删除时按字母顺序排序。

因此,如果有人可以尝试告诉我出了什么问题,以及为什么在尝试删除列表中的最后一项时它会在第 11 行抛出访问冲突异常,我将非常感激。谢谢!

我认为你把事情搞得太复杂了。您没有将 "list" 类型与 "node" 类型分开,但我认为如果您只是 return 替换,则无需传递指向指针的指针即可。

您可能想要编写一个 "find" 方法来处理查找字符和 return 指向该节点的指针。

  Delete the node containing value from the list starting with start.
  If value is not found in list, then the list is unchanged. Returns
  a replacement value for start, which may be needed if the value is
  contain in the start node.

ListNodePtr  del(ListNodePtr start, char value)
    ListNodePtr curr;

    for (curr = start; curr && curr->data != value; curr = curr->nextPtr) {
        // skip this node

    if (!curr) {
        // Value not found in list. List is unchanged.
        return start;

    /* Compute return value */

    if (curr == start) {
        start = start->nextPtr;

    /* Remove curr node from chain */

    if (curr->prevPtr) {
        curr->prevPtr->nextPtr = curr->nextPtr;

    if (curr->nextPtr) {
        curr->nextPtr->prevPtr = curr->prevPtr;

    return start;

我终于意识到我的问题了。 Visual Studio 不允许我使用断点,但那是因为我没有意识到我将它设置为 "Release" 而不是 "Debug"。为此,我跟踪了指针,找出它们在哪里断开链接或链接到错误的指针,并提出了这个解决方案:

  /* Delete a list element */
char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value)
    ListNodePtr previousPtr; /* pointer to previous node in list */
    ListNodePtr currentPtr; /* pointer to current node in list */
    ListNodePtr tempPtr; /* temporary node pointer */

    /* delete first node */
    if (value == (*sPtr)->data) {
            tempPtr = *sPtr; /* hold onto node being removed */
            *sPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr; /* de-thread the node */
            if(*sPtr != NULL) /* if the list is not empty */
                (*sPtr)->prevPtr = NULL; /* the previos pointer is null*/
            free(tempPtr); /* free the de-threaded node */
            return value;
    } /* end if */
    else {
        previousPtr = *sPtr;
        currentPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr;

        /* loop to find the correct location in the list */
        while (currentPtr != NULL && currentPtr->data != value) {
            previousPtr = currentPtr; /* walk to ...   */
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; /* ... next node */
        } /* end while */

          /* delete node at currentPtr */

        if (currentPtr != NULL) {
            tempPtr = currentPtr;
            previousPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
            if(previousPtr->nextPtr != NULL) /* if the next pointer isn't null */
                previousPtr->nextPtr->prevPtr = currentPtr->prevPtr; /* the previous pointer of the next pointer is the previous pointer of the current pointer */
            return value;
        } /* end if */

    } /* end else */
    return '[=10=]';
} /* end function delete */



#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct listNode
    char data;
    struct listNode *nextPtr;
    struct listNode *prevPtr;

typedef struct listNode ListNode;
typedef ListNode *ListNodePtr;

void insert(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value);
char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value);
int isEmpty(ListNodePtr sPtr);
void printList(ListNodePtr currentPtr);
void printReverse(ListNodePtr currentPtr);

static void ins_check(ListNode **list, char c)
    printf("Inserting [%c] (%p)\n", c, (void *)*list);
    insert(list, c);

static void del_check(ListNode **list, char c)
    printf("Deleting [%c] (%p)\n", c, (void *)*list);
    if (del(list, c) != c)
        printf("Did not find [%c] in list.\n", c);

int main(void)
    ListNodePtr startPtr = NULL;


    ins_check(&startPtr, 'a');
    ins_check(&startPtr, 'b');
    ins_check(&startPtr, 'c');

    del_check(&startPtr, 'c');
    del_check(&startPtr, 'a');
    del_check(&startPtr, 'b');

    assert(startPtr == 0);

    printf("End of run.\n");
    return 0;

void printList(ListNodePtr currentPtr)
    if (currentPtr == NULL)
        printf("List is empty.\n");
        printf("The list is: ");
        while (currentPtr != NULL)
            printf("%c --> ", currentPtr->data);
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;

void printReverse(ListNodePtr currentPtr)
    if (currentPtr == NULL)
        printf("List is empty (even in reverse).\n");
        printf("The list in reverse is: ");
        while (currentPtr->nextPtr != NULL)
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
        while (currentPtr != NULL)
            printf("%c --> ", currentPtr->data);
            currentPtr = currentPtr->prevPtr;

char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value)
    ListNodePtr previousPtr;
    ListNodePtr currentPtr;
    ListNodePtr tempPtr;

    assert(*sPtr != 0);
    if (value == (*sPtr)->data)
        tempPtr = *sPtr;
        printf("Deleting 1: [%c] (node = %p, next = %p, prev = %p\n", tempPtr->data,
                (void *)tempPtr, (void *)tempPtr->nextPtr, (void *)tempPtr->prevPtr);
        *sPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr;
        if (*sPtr != 0)   // Crucial change!
            (*sPtr)->prevPtr = NULL;
        return value;
        previousPtr = *sPtr;
        currentPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr;

        while (currentPtr != NULL && currentPtr->data != value)
            previousPtr = currentPtr;
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;

        if (currentPtr != NULL)
            assert(previousPtr != 0);
            tempPtr = currentPtr;
            printf("Deleting 2: [%c] (node = %p, next = %p, prev = %p\n", tempPtr->data,
                    (void *)tempPtr, (void *)tempPtr->nextPtr, (void *)tempPtr->prevPtr);
            previousPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
            return value;
            printf("Did not find [%c]\n", value);

    return '[=10=]';

void insert(ListNode **list, char value)
    ListNode *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
    if (node == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
    node->data = value;
    node->nextPtr = 0;
    node->prevPtr = 0;
    if (*list != 0)
        node->nextPtr = *list;
        assert((*list)->prevPtr == 0);
        (*list)->prevPtr = node;
    *list = node;


List is empty.
List is empty (even in reverse).
Inserting [a] (0x0)
The list is: a --> NULL
The list in reverse is: a --> NULL
Inserting [b] (0x7fccc3503070)
The list is: b --> a --> NULL
The list in reverse is: a --> b --> NULL
Inserting [c] (0x7fccc3503090)
The list is: c --> b --> a --> NULL
The list in reverse is: a --> b --> c --> NULL
Deleting [c] (0x7fccc35030b0)
Deleting 1: [c] (node = 0x7fccc35030b0, next = 0x7fccc3503090, prev = 0x0
The list is: b --> a --> NULL
The list in reverse is: a --> b --> NULL
Deleting [a] (0x7fccc3503090)
Deleting 2: [a] (node = 0x7fccc3503070, next = 0x0, prev = 0x7fccc3503090
The list is: b --> NULL
The list in reverse is: b --> NULL
Deleting [b] (0x7fccc3503090)
Deleting 1: [b] (node = 0x7fccc3503090, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0
List is empty.
List is empty (even in reverse).
End of run.


我希望您的 insert() 与我设计的有点相似——真正的 MCVE (How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example?) or SSCCE (Short, Self-Contained, Correct Example) 会提供该功能。

请注意,'new' 代码遵循 Is it a good idea to typedef pointers 建议的限制——简洁的答案是 "No"(对于非不透明数据指针)。


char del(ListNodePtr *sPtr, char value)
    assert(*sPtr != 0);
    ListNode *curr = *sPtr;
    while (curr != NULL)
        if (curr->data == value)
            if (curr->prevPtr != NULL)
                curr->prevPtr->nextPtr = curr->nextPtr;
            if (curr->nextPtr != NULL)
                curr->nextPtr->prevPtr = curr->prevPtr;
            if (*sPtr == curr)
                *sPtr = curr->nextPtr;
            return value;
        curr = curr->nextPtr;

    printf("Did not find [%c]\n", value);
    return '[=12=]';