NVD3 多轴条形图在绘图上重叠条形图

NVD3 Multiple Axis Barchart Overlapping Bars on Drawing

使用 nvd3 绘制多轴条形图。我的问题是条形重叠。在图表中,y 轴在左侧,另一个 y 轴在右侧。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/nvd3/1.8.3/nv.d3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.2/d3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/nvd3/1.8.3/nv.d3.js"></script>
        text {
            font: 12px sans-serif;
        svg {
            display: block;
        html, body, #chart1, svg {
            margin: 0px;
            padding: 0px;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
<body class='with-3d-shadow with-transitions'>

<div id="chart1" >
    <svg> </svg>


    // var testdata = stream_layers(9,10+Math.random()*100,.1).map(function(data, i) {
    //     return {
    //         key: 'Stream' + i,
    //         values: data.map(function(a){a.y = a.y * (i <= 100 ? 100 : 1); return a})
    //     };
    // });
     var testdata=[{"key":"stream1", "values": [
      "x": 0,
      "y": 44
      "x": 1,
      "y": 10
      "x": 2,
      "y": 29
      "x": 3,
      "y": 88
      "x": 4,
      "y": 25
      "x": 5,
      "y": 32
      "x": 6,
      "y": 100
      "x": 7,
      "y": 52
      "x": 8,
      "y": 15
      "x": 9,
      "y": 78
      "x": 10,
      "y": 42
      "x": 11,
      "y": 108
      "x": 12,
      "y": 17
      "x": 13,
      "y": 23
      "x": 14,
      "y": 182
      "x": 15,
      "y": 9
      "x": 16,
      "y": 25
      "x": 17,
      "y": 90
      "x": 18,
      "y": 32
      "x": 19,
      "y": 138
      "x": 20,
      "y": 189
      "x": 21,
      "y": 3
      "x": 22,
      "y": 16
      "x": 23,
      "y": 66
      "x": 24,
      "y": 46
      "x": 25,
      "y": 27
      "x": 26,
      "y": 185
      "x": 27,
      "y": 13
      "x": 28,
      "y": 12
      "x": 29,
      "y": 71
      "x": 30,
      "y": 191
      "x": 0,
      "y": 1.1
      "x": 1,
      "y": 0.5
      "x": 2,
      "y": 2.1
      "x": 3,
      "y": 1.5
      "x": 4,
      "y": 1.7
      "x": 5,
      "y": 2.1
      "x": 6,
      "y": 0.75
      "x": 7,
      "y": 1.75
      "x": 8,
      "y": 1
      "x": 9,
      "y": 2.3
      "x": 10,
      "y": 2
      "x": 11,
      "y": 0.5
      "x": 12,
      "y": 1.6
      "x": 13,
      "y": 1.8
      "x": 14,
      "y": 2.35
      "x": 15,
      "y": 2.4
      "x": 16,
      "y": 1.8
      "x": 17,
      "y": 1
      "x": 18,
      "y": 1.25
      "x": 19,
      "y": 1.85
      "x": 20,
      "y": 0.65
      "x": 21,
      "y": 0.75
      "x": 22,
      "y": 1.25
      "x": 23,
      "y": 2.25
      "x": 24,
      "y": 0.5
      "x": 25,
      "y": 1.85
      "x": 26,
      "y": 1.75
      "x": 27,
      "y": 1.15
      "x": 28,
      "y": 1.9
      "x": 29,
      "y": 2.4
      "x": 30,
      "y": 1.5
    testdata[0].type = "bar";
    testdata[0].yAxis = 1;
    testdata[1].type = "bar";
    testdata[1].yAxis = 2;

    nv.addGraph(function() {
        var chart = nv.models.multiChart()
            .margin({top: 30, right: 60, bottom: 50, left: 70})


        d3.select('#chart1 svg')

        return chart;


Plunkr 设置 embeded for this can be found here


唯一要做的就是调整条形的宽度和位置。这些可以通过 class

d3.selectAll ('.bars1Wrap .nv-groups .nv-series-0 rect') 


testdata[1].yAxis = 1;





var g3 =  d3.selectAll ('.bars1Wrap .nv-groups .nv-series-0 rect') 
                             .attr("width", function(d){ return d/2;});

但是没有成功... 任何帮助表示赞赏。

当然,nvd3 在 multiChart 上有问题,当您 select 为需要显示的两个可视化数据集键入 "bar" 时.


testdata[0].type = "bar";
testdata[0].yAxis = 1;
testdata[1].type = "bar";
testdata[1].yAxis = 2;


testdata[0].type = "line";
testdata[0].yAxis = 1;
testdata[1].type = "bar";
testdata[1].yAxis = 2;


因此为了让两个条形图不堆叠。 需要做一些开箱即用的调整,调用此函数 post 图表已呈现。

function resetBarSize(d1){
      //get the width of the bar, and make it half
      var w2 = d3.select(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar").attr("width")/2;
      if (!d1){
        //initial load d1 will be undefined
        //in that case make all the bars half
        d3.selectAll(".bars1Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2);
        d3.selectAll(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2);
        //translate the last bar so that there is no overlapping
        d3.selectAll(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar")[0].forEach(function(d){
          var t = d3.transform(d3.select(d).attr("transform")),
          x = t.translate[0] + w2,
          y = t.translate[1];
          d3.select(d).attr("transform", "translate(" + x +"," + y + ")");
      }else if (d1.yAxis ==2 && d1.disabled){
        //in this case axis 2 is disabled or not visible so make bar1 width double.
        d3.selectAll(".bars1Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2 *2);
      }else if (d1.yAxis ==1 && d1.disabled){
        //in this case axis 1 is disabled or not visible so make bar1 width double.
        d3.selectAll(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2 *2);
      } else {
        //in this case axis both axis is present. Make all the bars half and translate bar 2 so that they don't overlap.

        d3.selectAll(".bars1Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2);
        d3.selectAll(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar").style("width", w2);
        d3.selectAll(".bars2Wrap .nv-bar")[0].forEach(function(d){
          var t = d3.transform(d3.select(d).attr("transform")),
          x = t.translate[0] + w2,
          y = t.translate[1];
          d3.select(d).attr("transform", "translate(" + x +"," + y + ")");


nv.dispatch.on('render_end', function(newState) {
  chart.legend.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(newState) {
