Xcode 7.3 Apple Ad Hoc 分发请求分发清单信息

Xcode 7.3 Apple Ad Hoc distribution ask for Distribution manifest information

我想使用 Ad Hoc 分发导出我的应用程序并像往常一样将生成的 .ipa 保存到我系统上的文件中,但我不能,因为现在在选择我的存档导出后在 Xcode 7.3 中使用 Organizer ->Save for Ad Hoc Deployment 系统显示 "Distributed Manifest Information" 表单(见下图),我必须在其中选择 url 而不是通常的 "Esport As" 表单。

在您的应用程序中使用按需资源时需要分布式清单信息,否则您无需勾选“Include manifest for over-the-air installation”:


  • Name. The name of the app displayed during download and installation.
  • App URL. A fully qualified HTTPS URL for the iOS App file.
  • Display Image URL. A fully qualified HTTPS URL for an app icon that is displayed during download and installation. The image file must be 57 x 57 pixels and in PNG format.
  • Full Size Image URL. A fully qualified HTTPS URL for a larger image that is displayed in iTunes. The image file must be 512 x 512 pixels
    and in PNG format.

查看此 link 了解更多信息: https://developer.apple.com/library/tvos/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html
