找到旋转的差异,作为随时间统一的平均值 c#

Finding the difference in rotation, as an average over time unity c#


void Update()
            //Record Amount of Wheel Turns
            currentAngle = wheelRectTransform.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z;
            angleChange = Mathf.DeltaAngle(currentAngle, previousAngle);

            if ((Mathf.Abs(angle + angleChange) / 360) <=   wheelTurnsUntilRudderAtMaxAngle)
               angle += angleChange;               

            totalWheelTurns = angle / 360;
            shipStats.RudderAngle = totalWheelTurns / wheelTurnsUntilRudderAtMaxAngle;

            previousAngle = currentAngle;



if (angleChange < 0)
     // Going Left
else if (angleChange > 0)
     // Going Right
} else
    // Not moving

然而在实践中,如果玩家旋转轮子的速度非常非常慢,则偶尔帧上的角度差为 0 并记录为 'not moving'。

我相信解决方案是找到短时间内的平均角度变化,因此我尝试将角度随时间 Lerp 到 0。

newAngleDifference = Mathf.Lerp(angleChange, 0, Time.deltaTime * 0.2f);

这没有用,它给我的反馈和我刚刚使用的 'angleChange' 一样,无论如何都可以是 0。




 void Start()

bool continueWheelCalculation = false;

 IEnumerator wheelDIRCalculator(Transform wheelTransform)
     yield return null;

     continueWheelCalculation = true;

     float oldZAngle = 0;
     float newZAngle = 0;
     bool isIdle = false;

     oldZAngle = Mathf.Abs(wheelTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.z);

     while (continueWheelCalculation)

         //Get new rotation
         newZAngle = Mathf.Abs(wheelTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.z);

         if (oldZAngle < newZAngle)
             isIdle = false;
             oldZAngle = newZAngle;

             //Do something 

         else if (oldZAngle > newZAngle)
             isIdle = false;
             oldZAngle = newZAngle;

             //Do something 

         else if (!isIdle)
             isIdle = true;
             oldZAngle = newZAngle;

             //Do something 


         yield return null;

 void stopWheelDIRCalculator()
    continueWheelCalculation = false;


    public enum WheelDirection { Left, Right, Still }

    [Header("Average Wheel Direction")]
    public float lerpTime = 0.5f; // How many seconds average over
    private WheelDirection wheelDirection; 
    private float wheelDeltaX;
    private float wheelDirectionInterpolated;
    private float currentLerpTime;

 void Update()
        // Get DeltaX of objects rotation 
        // I'm interested in the Z axis, but you could change this to x/y           
        float currentAngle = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z;
        wheelDeltaX = (currentAngle - previousAngle);

        // Reduce the Lerp percentage
        currentLerpTime += Time.deltaTime;
        if (currentLerpTime > lerpTime)
            currentLerpTime = lerpTime;
        float perc = currentLerpTime / lerpTime;

        // Lerp!
        wheelDirectionInterpolated = (Mathf.Lerp(wheelDirectionInterpolated, wheelDeltaX, perc));

        // Wheel has finished rotating, so reset the Lerp
        if (wheelDirectionInterpolated == 0) currentLerpTime = 0;

        // Store Direction in an Enum
        if (wheelDirectionInterpolated > 0) wheelDirection = WheelDirection.Left;
        if (wheelDirectionInterpolated < 0) wheelDirection = WheelDirection.Right;
        if (wheelDirectionInterpolated == 0) wheelDirection = WheelDirection.Still;

        //This should always be at the end
        previousAngle = currentAngle;