在Elerea,为什么stateful return不是最后一次状态转换后的状态?

In Elerea, why doesn't stateful return the state after the last state transformation?

让我们看一下 hackage documentation for stateful

  smp <- start (stateful "" (:))
  res <- forM "olleh~" smp
  print res



它所做的是将一个字符一个接一个地推入信号网络,首先是 'o',然后是 'l',然后是 'l',依此类推。 给有状态((:),又名 cons)的状态转换函数接受一个元素和一个元素列表,return 是带有单个元素的列表。 (在 Haskell 中,一个 StringChar 的列表)


(:) 'o' "" -- gives "o", then
(:) 'l' "o" -- gives "lo", etc


["","o","lo","llo","ello","hello", "~hello"]


可能是因为它先给出初始值,然后是(:)第一次调用的结果第二次,等等。所以如果我们压入六个字符(包括'~') 我们在 5 个字符被前置后得到 ""。字符串 "~hello" 实际上在那里,但是在对信号进行采样时我们得到 old 状态(就在它被丢弃之前)。


-- 1
  smp <- start $ do
    n <- input
    return (n*2)
  res <- forM [1,2,3] smp
  print res -- prints [2,4,6]

-- 2
  smp <- start $ stateful 0 (\n _  -> n*2) -- ignore state
  res <- forM [1,2,3] smp
  print res -- prints [0,2,4]

-- edit: 3
-- to make the trio complete, you can use transfer to do the same
-- thing as 1 above
-- there is of course no reason to actually do it this way
  smp <- start $ transfer undefined (\n _ _ -> n*2) (pure undefined)
  res <- forM [1,2,3] smp
  print res


编辑: 在 Alexander 向我指出 transfer 之后,我想到了这个:

  smp <- start (stateful' "" (:))
  res <- forM "olleh" smp -- no '~'!
  print res -- prints ["o","lo","llo","ello","hello"]

stateful' :: a -> (p -> a -> a) -> SignalGen p (Signal a)
stateful' s f = transfer s (\p _ a -> f p a) (pure undefined)

stateful' 在我的机器上似乎比 stateful 慢了大约 25%。

Probably because it gives the initial value first, then the result of the first invocation of (:) second, etc. So if we push in six characters (including '~') we get out "" after five characters have been prepended. The string "~hello" is actually in there, but on sampling the signal we get the old state (right before it is discarded).

这正是 stateful 的工作原理。引用 the documentation:

The initial state is the first output, and every following output is calculated from the previous one and the value of the global parameter


至于第二个,是的,替代函数可以 return 立即进入新状态。其实还有such a function already,叫做transfer:

The current input affects the current output, i.e. the initial state given in the first argument is considered to appear before the first output, and can never be observed.



  smp <- start (transfer
                 (\character _ state -> character:state)
                 (pure undefined))
  res <- forM "olleh" smp
  print res