
What process reads blocks to the buffer cache?

DBWR 进程将缓冲区缓存中的脏块写入数据文件。


因此 OS 内核打开文件数限制的公式包含:

#processes * #datafiles

您也可以在 Linux 上使用 lsof 轻松查看。

来自overview of server processes

Oracle Database creates server processes to handle the requests of client processes connected to the instance. A client process always communicates with a database through a separate server process.

Server processes created on behalf of a database application can perform one or more of the following tasks:

  • Parse and run SQL statements issued through the application, including creating and executing the query plan (see "Stages of SQL Processing")

  • Execute PL/SQL code

  • Read data blocks from data files into the database buffer cache (the DBWn background process has the task of writing modified blocks back to disk)

  • Return results in such a way that the application can process the information


写出修改后的块是通过一个通用的 DBWR 后台进程完成的,因此它可以是异步的,也可以合并来自多个会话的更改。您通常不希望您的应用程序在不必要时等待(缓慢的)物理磁盘写入;它确实必须等待数据被读取,所以将它作为一个单独的后台进程不会有太大好处。
