如何将字符串转换为其类似于 Java 的 .valueOf 的枚举值?

How do I convert a String to its Enum value similar to Java's .valueOf?


Public Enum Options
End Enum

和一个字符串myString = "optionB",有没有快速的方法将字符串转换为相应的枚举值? (Options.optionB / 1)

即我正在寻找 VBA 相当于 Java 的 .valueOf()

我知道我可以写一个 Select Case,但这就像重新编写枚举的定义,一旦枚举的值发生变化就很难维护。

已编辑 2:添加了解决方案 #3

  • 具有解决方案#2 的所有优点,即

    • valueOf 特征

    • 单个枚举声明(好吧,有点……)

    • 智能感知

  • 没有 Class 和 Enum 需要(即使稍微)不同名称的缺点(在解决方案 #2 中,它们是 "OptionsC" 和 "Options" )

  • 仍然基于 VBE 对象模型 -> 需要一些准备步骤(参见步骤 2))

解决方案 #3

1) 在你的项目中添加一个 Class 模块,将其命名为 "EnumClass" (或其他)并输入以下代码

Option Explicit

Private Enums_ As Variant

Public optionA As String
Public optionB As String
Public optionC As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    optionA = "optionA"
    optionB = "optionB"
    optionC = "optionC"
    Enums_ = GetEnums
End Sub

Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
    Dim i As Long
    valueOf = -1
    For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
        If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
            valueOf = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Property

Private Function GetEnums() As Variant
    Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
    Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
    Dim lineCount As Long
    Dim strEnum As String

    Set CodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("EnumClass").CodeModule

    lineCount = 9 'if you keep class code as this one, you'd need checking lines from line 9. otherwise set it to 1 as a general setting
    With CodeMod

        Do Until InStr(UCase(.Lines(lineCount, 1)), UCase("Class_Initialize")) > 0
            lineCount = lineCount + 1

        lineCount = lineCount + 1
        Do Until InStr(.Lines(lineCount, 1), "Enums_ = GetEnums") > 0
            strEnum = strEnum & GetTextWithingQuotes(.Lines(lineCount, 1)) & ","
            lineCount = lineCount + 1
    End With
    GetEnums = Split(Left(strEnum, Len(strEnum) - 1), ",")

End Function

Private Function GetTextWithingQuotes(strng As String) As String
    Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long

    i1 = InStr(strng, "=")
    i1 = InStr(i1, strng, Chr(34))
    i2 = InStr(i1 + 1, strng, Chr(34))
    GetTextWithingQuotes = Mid(strng, i1 + 1, i2 - i1 - 1)

End Function

2) 按照 here 进行初步设置(参见“为了在您的项目中使用此页面上的代码,您必须更改两个设置。 ”到“包含 CAUTION”子句)

3) 在你的主子中利用它如下

Option Explicit

Sub main()
Dim Options As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
Dim myString As String

myString = "optionB"
MsgBox "string value of 'Options.optionB' = " & Options.optionB 'exploit intellisense
MsgBox "long Value of 'OptionB' =" & Options.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value

End Sub


1) 在您的项目中添加一个模块,将其命名为 "OptionsModule"(或其他名称)并将您的 "Enum"

Public Enum Options
End Enum

2) 在您的项目中添加一个 Class 模块,将其命名为 "EnumClass" (或其他名称)并输入以下代码

Option Explicit

Private Enums_ As Variant

Public Property Let Enums(enumArr As Variant)
  Enums_ = enumArr
End Property

Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
    Dim i As Long
    valueOf = -1
    For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
        If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
            valueOf = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Property

3) 添加对 "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"


4) 添加此函数(在您项目的任何模块中)

Function GetEnums() As Variant
    Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject '<== this needs that reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"
    Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule '<== this needs that reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"
    Dim lineCount As Long
    Dim strEnum As String

    Set CodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("OptionsModule").CodeModule

    lineCount = 2
    With CodeMod
        Do Until InStr(UCase(.Lines(lineCount, 1)), UCase("End Enum")) > 0
            strEnum = strEnum & WorksheetFunction.Trim(.Lines(lineCount, 1)) & ","
            lineCount = lineCount + 1
    End With
    GetEnums = Split(Left(strEnum, Len(strEnum) - 1), ",")

End Function

5) 在你的主子中利用它,如下所示

Sub main()
Dim OptionsC As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
Dim myString As String

OptionsC.Enums = GetEnums() '<== fill your "Enum" class reading Module with enum

myString = "optionB"

MsgBox OptionsC.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value

End Sub


1) 添加一个 Class 模块,将其命名为 "EnumClass" (或其他名称)并放入以下代码

Option Explicit

Private Enums_ As Variant

Public Property Let Enums(enumArr As Variant)
  Enums_ = enumArr
End Property

Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
    Dim i As Long
    valueOf = -1
    For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
        If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
            valueOf = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Property

2) 然后在你的主子程序中利用它如下

Option Explicit

Sub main()
Dim Options As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
Dim myString As String

Options.Enums = Array("optionA", "optionB", "optionC") '<== fill your "Enum" class with string values

myString = "optionB"

MsgBox Options.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value

End Sub