
Generate a dictionary from a list of Records

一个 BMap 对象是 BPair Elm-Records 的列表。如何构建仅包含 BPair.isEnabled == True 的那些对的 Dictionary?最终,对于给定的 closer.

,我们需要在相应的 openerDict.get

或者,如果记录本身可以是 'queried',那么我宁愿这样做。

type alias EnabledPair = (Char, Char) 
type alias EnabledMap  = Dict EnabledPair  -- how to generate this? 

type alias BPair = {
  opener: Char, 
  closer: Char,
  isEnabled: Bool,
  id: Int

type alias BMap = List BPair


  1. 过滤 BMap 以获取 .isEnabled
  2. 中具有 True 的所有 BPair
  3. 将所有列表项转换为元组 EnabledPair
  4. 使用Dict.fromList将其转换为字典
  5. 现在您可以使用 Dict.get 检索 Maybe EnabledPair


import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Dict exposing (Dict)

type alias EnabledPair = (Char, Char) 

type alias EnabledMap = Dict Char EnabledPair

type alias BPair = {
  opener: Char, 
  closer: Char,
  isEnabled: Bool,
  id: Int

type alias BMap = List BPair

testList : BMap
testList =
  [ BPair '(' ')' True 1
  , BPair '{' '}' False 2
  , BPair '[' ']' True 3
  , BPair '<' '>' False 4

main =
  |> List.filter (\{isEnabled} -> isEnabled == True)
  |> List.map (\{opener, closer} -> (opener, closer))
  |> Dict.fromList
   -- Dict.get will always return Maybe Char, so you have to handle that
  |> Dict.get '{'
  |> show


matchEnabledOpenr: Char -> BPair -> Maybe Char
matchEnabledOpenr o bp = 
  case bp.isEnabled of
    True -> 
      if bp.opener == o then 
        Just bp.closer 
    False -> 

getClosr: Char -> List BPair -> Maybe Char 
getClosr o bm =  
  List.head (List.filterMap (matchEnabledOpenr o) bm )

这个版本使用了List.Extrafind功能,更加简洁。为此感谢 Nick H

import List.Extra as ListX

matchEnabledOpenr: Char -> BPair -> Bool
matchEnabledOpenr o bp =
  bp.isEnabled && bp.opener == o

getClosr: Char -> List BPair -> Maybe Char
getClosr o bmap =
  ListX.find (matchEnabledOpenr o) bmap
    |> Maybe.map .closer