在 Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight 应用程序上撰写带附件的电子邮件

Compose Email with attachment on Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight application


    private async void ComposeEmail(String subject, String messageBody, String attachmentFile)
        var msg = new EmailMessage();
        msg.Subject = subject;
        msg.Body = messageBody;
        msg.To.Add(new EmailRecipient("example@example.com"));

        if (attachmentFile != null && attachmentFile != "")
            bool exists = File.Exists(attachmentFile);
            Debug.WriteLine("File: " + attachmentFile + (exists ? " exists" : " not exists"));

                StorageFile fl = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(attachmentFile);
                IRandomAccessStream stream = await fl.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
                var rastream = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(stream);
                var attachment = new EmailAttachment(attachmentFile, rastream);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("[C#] attachment exception: " + e.Message);


            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(msg);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.WriteLine("[C#] email manager exception: " + e.Message);



File: C:\Data\Users\DefApps\APPDATA\Local\Packages319996-2154-4e16-91ac-c74ccb656b65_60jzptcn15482\AC\Temp\screenshot.png exists

[C#] email manager exception: The handle with which this oplock was associated has been closed. The oplock is now broken. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070323)

首先,文件存在,我尝试加载它并在图像中显示,它工作正常。所以这不是权限问题。 其次,如果我不添加附件(只是注释掉代码),则不会引发出现的异常,我会看到邮件编辑器具有正确的主题、正文等。

感谢@Will 的提示。


private StorageFile storageFile;

private async void ComposeEmail(String subject, String messageBody, StorageFile fl)
        var msg = new EmailMessage();
        msg.Subject = subject;
        msg.Body = messageBody;
        msg.To.Add(new EmailRecipient("contact@123kidsfun.com"));

        String attachmentFile = fl.Name;

        if (fl != null && attachmentFile != "")
                var rastream = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(fl);
                var attachment = new EmailAttachment(attachmentFile, rastream);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("[C#] attachment exception: " + e.Message);

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(msg);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.WriteLine("[C#] email manager exception: " + e.Message);

    public void SendEmail(String subject, String body, String attachmentPath)
        Debug.WriteLine("[C#] sendEmail(" + subject + ", " + body + ", " + attachmentPath + ")");
        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
            CreateEmail(subject, body, attachmentPath);

    private async void CreateEmail(String subject, String body, String path)
        storageFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(path);
        ComposeEmail(subject, body, storageFile);