What is the order of destruction of function parameters?
这是我之前问题 的后续问题,因为我不小心混淆了参数和参数。感谢 Columbo 和 T.C。清除我在该问题的评论中的术语混淆。
如果某些函数的主体 f
的参数 p_1
类型为 T_1
template <typename ... Args>
void f(Args ... params) {} // in what order are params destroyed?
void f(T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3) {} // in what order are p1, p2 and p3 destroyed?
CWG decided to make it unspecified whether parameter objects are destroyed immediately following the call or at the end of the full-expression to which the call belongs.
#include <iostream>
struct A {
int i;
A(int i) : i(i) {std::cout << i;}
~A() {std::cout << '~' << i;}
void f(A, A) {}
int main() {
(f(0, 1), std::cout << "#");
打印 10#~0~1
with GCC and 01#~1~0
with Clang; they construct parameters in different orders, but both destroy in the reverse order of construction, at the end of the full-expression the call occurs in (rather than right after returning to the caller). VC++ prints 10~0~1#
如果某些函数的主体 f
的参数 p_1
类型为 T_1
template <typename ... Args>
void f(Args ... params) {} // in what order are params destroyed?
void f(T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3) {} // in what order are p1, p2 and p3 destroyed?
CWG decided to make it unspecified whether parameter objects are destroyed immediately following the call or at the end of the full-expression to which the call belongs.
#include <iostream>
struct A {
int i;
A(int i) : i(i) {std::cout << i;}
~A() {std::cout << '~' << i;}
void f(A, A) {}
int main() {
(f(0, 1), std::cout << "#");
打印 10#~0~1
with GCC and 01#~1~0
with Clang; they construct parameters in different orders, but both destroy in the reverse order of construction, at the end of the full-expression the call occurs in (rather than right after returning to the caller). VC++ prints 10~0~1#