实现无尽的 RecyclerView
Implementing Endless RecyclerView
我想实现一个无尽的 RecyclerView,但到目前为止,我遇到的所有实现和教程都描述了从服务器加载数据然后加载它或使用循环动态添加元素。
在我的例子中,我已经有一个很大的 ArrayList,其中包含我想在 RecyclerView 中显示的数据。
我需要说的是,显示数组的前 10 项,加载更多时,显示下一批 10。
public abstract class EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
public static String TAG = EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener.class.getSimpleName();
private int previousTotal = 0; // The total number of items in the dataset after the last load
private boolean loading = true; // True if we are still waiting for the last set of data to load.
private int visibleThreshold = 5; // The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position before loading more.
int firstVisibleItem, visibleItemCount, totalItemCount;
private int current_page = 1;
private LinearLayoutManager mLinearLayoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener(LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager) {
this.mLinearLayoutManager = linearLayoutManager;
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
visibleItemCount = recyclerView.getChildCount();
totalItemCount = mLinearLayoutManager.getItemCount();
firstVisibleItem = mLinearLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
if (loading) {
if (totalItemCount > previousTotal) {
loading = false;
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
if (!loading && (totalItemCount - visibleItemCount)
<= (firstVisibleItem + visibleThreshold)) {
// End has been reached
// Do something
loading = true;
public abstract void onLoadMore(int current_page);
和示例 activity
public class SampleActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.list);
LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
recyclerView.setOnScrollListener(new EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener(linearLayoutManager) {
public void onLoadMore(int current_page) {
// do something...
recyclerView.addOnScrollListener (recyclerViewOnScrollListener);
private RecyclerView.OnScrollListener recyclerViewOnScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener () {
private final String LOG_TAG = "PAGINATION_";
boolean isIdle;
public void onScrollStateChanged (RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) {
try {
super.onScrollStateChanged (recyclerView, newState);
isIdle = (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
public void onScrolled (RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
firstVisibleItemPosition = layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition ();
super.onScrolled (recyclerView, dx, dy);
if (!isIdle dy > 0) {
int totalItems = yourList.size()();
totalItemCount = layoutManager.getItemCount ();
visibleItemCount = layoutManager.getChildCount ();
Log.i (LOG_TAG, "Max: " + totalItems + ", Total: " + totalItemCount + ", Previous Total: " + previousTotal + ", Visible: " + visibleItemCount + ", First: " + firstVisibleItemPosition);
if (isLoading) {
if (totalItemCount != previousTotal) {
isLoading = false;
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
isLastPage = (totalItemCount >= totalItems);
Log.i (LOG_TAG, "DETAILS: currentPage: " + currentPage + ", isLoading: " + isLoading + ", isLast: " + isLastPage);
if (!isLoading && !isLastPage) {
if ((visibleItemCount + firstVisibleItemPosition) >= totalItemCount && firstVisibleItemPosition >= 0 && totalItems >= (currentPage * PAGE_LIMIT) && totalItems > totalItemCount) {
if (totalItems > (currentPage * PAGE_LIMIT)) {
currentPage = (totalItemCount / PAGE_LIMIT) + 1;
isLoading = true;
//load more data using currentPage and PAGE_LIMIT
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
你可以使用这个Endless Adapter
- 是通用的,你给它(你模型,Recycler.ViewHolder)
- 您可以设置适配器是否显示加载。
- 让监听器在加载完成和加载开始时进行检查。
尝试使用这个 class 它对我有很大帮助:
public abstract class EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
// The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position
// before loading more.
private int visibleThreshold = 5;
// The current offset index of data you have loaded
private int currentPage = 0;
// The total number of items in the dataset after the last load
private int previousTotalItemCount = 0;
// True if we are still waiting for the last set of data to load.
private boolean loading = true;
// Sets the starting page index
private int startingPageIndex = 0;
RecyclerView.LayoutManager mLayoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(LinearLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(GridLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
visibleThreshold = visibleThreshold * layoutManager.getSpanCount();
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(StaggeredGridLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
visibleThreshold = visibleThreshold * layoutManager.getSpanCount();
public int getLastVisibleItem(int[] lastVisibleItemPositions) {
int maxSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lastVisibleItemPositions.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
maxSize = lastVisibleItemPositions[i];
else if (lastVisibleItemPositions[i] > maxSize) {
maxSize = lastVisibleItemPositions[i];
return maxSize;
// This happens many times a second during a scroll, so be wary of the code you place here.
// We are given a few useful parameters to help us work out if we need to load some more data,
// but first we check if we are waiting for the previous load to finish.
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView view, int dx, int dy) {
int lastVisibleItemPosition = 0;
int totalItemCount = mLayoutManager.getItemCount();
if (mLayoutManager instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
int[] lastVisibleItemPositions = ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPositions(null);
// get maximum element within the list
lastVisibleItemPosition = getLastVisibleItem(lastVisibleItemPositions);
} else if (mLayoutManager instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
lastVisibleItemPosition = ((GridLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
} else if (mLayoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
lastVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
// If the total item count is zero and the previous isn't, assume the
// list is invalidated and should be reset back to initial state
if (totalItemCount < previousTotalItemCount) {
this.currentPage = this.startingPageIndex;
this.previousTotalItemCount = totalItemCount;
if (totalItemCount == 0) {
this.loading = true;
// If it’s still loading, we check to see if the dataset count has
// changed, if so we conclude it has finished loading and update the current page
// number and total item count.
if (loading && (totalItemCount > previousTotalItemCount)) {
loading = false;
previousTotalItemCount = totalItemCount;
// If it isn’t currently loading, we check to see if we have breached
// the visibleThreshold and need to reload more data.
// If we do need to reload some more data, we execute onLoadMore to fetch the data.
// threshold should reflect how many total columns there are too
if (!loading && (lastVisibleItemPosition + visibleThreshold) > totalItemCount) {
onLoadMore(currentPage, totalItemCount, view);
loading = true;
// Call this method whenever performing new searches
public void resetState() {
this.currentPage = this.startingPageIndex;
this.previousTotalItemCount = 0;
this.loading = true;
// Defines the process for actually loading more data based on page
public abstract void onLoadMore(int page, int totalItemsCount, RecyclerView view);
我想实现一个无尽的 RecyclerView,但到目前为止,我遇到的所有实现和教程都描述了从服务器加载数据然后加载它或使用循环动态添加元素。
在我的例子中,我已经有一个很大的 ArrayList,其中包含我想在 RecyclerView 中显示的数据。
我需要说的是,显示数组的前 10 项,加载更多时,显示下一批 10。
public abstract class EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
public static String TAG = EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener.class.getSimpleName();
private int previousTotal = 0; // The total number of items in the dataset after the last load
private boolean loading = true; // True if we are still waiting for the last set of data to load.
private int visibleThreshold = 5; // The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position before loading more.
int firstVisibleItem, visibleItemCount, totalItemCount;
private int current_page = 1;
private LinearLayoutManager mLinearLayoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener(LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager) {
this.mLinearLayoutManager = linearLayoutManager;
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
visibleItemCount = recyclerView.getChildCount();
totalItemCount = mLinearLayoutManager.getItemCount();
firstVisibleItem = mLinearLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
if (loading) {
if (totalItemCount > previousTotal) {
loading = false;
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
if (!loading && (totalItemCount - visibleItemCount)
<= (firstVisibleItem + visibleThreshold)) {
// End has been reached
// Do something
loading = true;
public abstract void onLoadMore(int current_page);
和示例 activity
public class SampleActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.list);
LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
recyclerView.setOnScrollListener(new EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener(linearLayoutManager) {
public void onLoadMore(int current_page) {
// do something...
recyclerView.addOnScrollListener (recyclerViewOnScrollListener);
private RecyclerView.OnScrollListener recyclerViewOnScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener () {
private final String LOG_TAG = "PAGINATION_";
boolean isIdle;
public void onScrollStateChanged (RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) {
try {
super.onScrollStateChanged (recyclerView, newState);
isIdle = (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
public void onScrolled (RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
firstVisibleItemPosition = layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition ();
super.onScrolled (recyclerView, dx, dy);
if (!isIdle dy > 0) {
int totalItems = yourList.size()();
totalItemCount = layoutManager.getItemCount ();
visibleItemCount = layoutManager.getChildCount ();
Log.i (LOG_TAG, "Max: " + totalItems + ", Total: " + totalItemCount + ", Previous Total: " + previousTotal + ", Visible: " + visibleItemCount + ", First: " + firstVisibleItemPosition);
if (isLoading) {
if (totalItemCount != previousTotal) {
isLoading = false;
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
isLastPage = (totalItemCount >= totalItems);
Log.i (LOG_TAG, "DETAILS: currentPage: " + currentPage + ", isLoading: " + isLoading + ", isLast: " + isLastPage);
if (!isLoading && !isLastPage) {
if ((visibleItemCount + firstVisibleItemPosition) >= totalItemCount && firstVisibleItemPosition >= 0 && totalItems >= (currentPage * PAGE_LIMIT) && totalItems > totalItemCount) {
if (totalItems > (currentPage * PAGE_LIMIT)) {
currentPage = (totalItemCount / PAGE_LIMIT) + 1;
isLoading = true;
//load more data using currentPage and PAGE_LIMIT
previousTotal = totalItemCount;
catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
你可以使用这个Endless Adapter
- 是通用的,你给它(你模型,Recycler.ViewHolder)
- 您可以设置适配器是否显示加载。
- 让监听器在加载完成和加载开始时进行检查。
尝试使用这个 class 它对我有很大帮助:
public abstract class EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
// The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position
// before loading more.
private int visibleThreshold = 5;
// The current offset index of data you have loaded
private int currentPage = 0;
// The total number of items in the dataset after the last load
private int previousTotalItemCount = 0;
// True if we are still waiting for the last set of data to load.
private boolean loading = true;
// Sets the starting page index
private int startingPageIndex = 0;
RecyclerView.LayoutManager mLayoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(LinearLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(GridLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
visibleThreshold = visibleThreshold * layoutManager.getSpanCount();
public EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(StaggeredGridLayoutManager layoutManager) {
this.mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
visibleThreshold = visibleThreshold * layoutManager.getSpanCount();
public int getLastVisibleItem(int[] lastVisibleItemPositions) {
int maxSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lastVisibleItemPositions.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
maxSize = lastVisibleItemPositions[i];
else if (lastVisibleItemPositions[i] > maxSize) {
maxSize = lastVisibleItemPositions[i];
return maxSize;
// This happens many times a second during a scroll, so be wary of the code you place here.
// We are given a few useful parameters to help us work out if we need to load some more data,
// but first we check if we are waiting for the previous load to finish.
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView view, int dx, int dy) {
int lastVisibleItemPosition = 0;
int totalItemCount = mLayoutManager.getItemCount();
if (mLayoutManager instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
int[] lastVisibleItemPositions = ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPositions(null);
// get maximum element within the list
lastVisibleItemPosition = getLastVisibleItem(lastVisibleItemPositions);
} else if (mLayoutManager instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
lastVisibleItemPosition = ((GridLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
} else if (mLayoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
lastVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mLayoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
// If the total item count is zero and the previous isn't, assume the
// list is invalidated and should be reset back to initial state
if (totalItemCount < previousTotalItemCount) {
this.currentPage = this.startingPageIndex;
this.previousTotalItemCount = totalItemCount;
if (totalItemCount == 0) {
this.loading = true;
// If it’s still loading, we check to see if the dataset count has
// changed, if so we conclude it has finished loading and update the current page
// number and total item count.
if (loading && (totalItemCount > previousTotalItemCount)) {
loading = false;
previousTotalItemCount = totalItemCount;
// If it isn’t currently loading, we check to see if we have breached
// the visibleThreshold and need to reload more data.
// If we do need to reload some more data, we execute onLoadMore to fetch the data.
// threshold should reflect how many total columns there are too
if (!loading && (lastVisibleItemPosition + visibleThreshold) > totalItemCount) {
onLoadMore(currentPage, totalItemCount, view);
loading = true;
// Call this method whenever performing new searches
public void resetState() {
this.currentPage = this.startingPageIndex;
this.previousTotalItemCount = 0;
this.loading = true;
// Defines the process for actually loading more data based on page
public abstract void onLoadMore(int page, int totalItemsCount, RecyclerView view);