How to use bquote in qqmath?
根据这个问题 (In R, plotting random effects from lmer (lme4 package) using qqmath or dotplot: how to make it look fancy?) 的答案,我用 lattice
库中的 qqmath
创建了 "caterpillar plots"。但我面临的问题是我无法以灵活的方式在图上方指定标题。我想在标题中使用 bquote
作为公式表达式,例如 plot(x = 1, main = bquote(.("It works to write") ~ sigma [0]^2))
require(lme4) ## for lmer(), sleepstudy
require(lattice) ## for qqmath()
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
ranef_fit <- ranef(fit, condVar = TRUE)
qqmath(ranef_fit) #has title "Subject"
names(ranef_fit) <- "This works"
qqmath(ranef_fit) #now has title "This works"
names(ranef_fit) <- bquote(.("Doesn't work to write ") ~ sigma [0]^2) #doesn't work
This Website 给出了提示,我可能想使用 qqmath(x, main = attr(x, "title")
。但对我来说,不清楚 x
必须是什么:qqmath(ranef_fit, main = attr(x = qqmath(ranef_fit), "test title"))
在@Roland 的提示下,我将 lme4:::qqmath.ranef.mer
mtit <- if (main)
mtit <- NULL
}else if(is.expression(main)){
mtit <- main
}else if(main == TRUE){
mtit <- nx
mtit <- main
require(lme4) ## for lmer(), sleepstudy
require(lattice) ## for qqmath()
test <- function (x, data, main = TRUE,...){
#Say nothing about main shall give the current status
#(writing) the name of x)
#Saying 'main = FALSE' shall give no title at all
#Giving a specific main
#(e.g. main = bquote(.("Let's write ") ~ sigma [0]^2))
#shall give this specific title
prepanel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, ...) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
hw <- 1.96 * se
list(xlim = range(x - hw, x + hw, finite = TRUE))
panel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, pch = 16, ...) {
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
panel.abline(v = 0)
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
panel.segments(x - 1.96 * se, y, x + 1.96 * se, y, col = "black")
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, ...)
f <- function(nx) {
xt <- x[[nx]]
mtit <- NULL
}else if(is.expression(main)){
mtit <- main
}else if(main == TRUE){
mtit <- nx
mtit <- main
if (!is.null(pv <- attr(xt, "postVar"))) {
d <- dim(pv)
se <- vapply(seq_len(d[1]), function(i) sqrt(pv[i,
i, ]), numeric(d[3]))
nr <- nrow(xt)
nc <- ncol(xt)
ord <- unlist(lapply(xt, order)) + rep((0:(nc - 1)) *
nr, each = nr)
rr <- 1:nr
ind <- gl(nc, nr, labels = names(xt))
xyplot(rep(qnorm((rr - 0.5)/nr), nc) ~ unlist(xt)[ord] |
ind[ord], se = se[ord], prepanel = prepanel.ci,
panel = panel.ci, scales = list(x = list(relation = "free")),
ylab = "Standard normal quantiles", xlab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
else {
qqmath(~values | ind, stack(xt), scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
xlab = "Standard normal quantiles", ylab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
sapply(names(x), f, simplify = FALSE)
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
ranef_fit <- ranef(fit, condVar = TRUE)
test(ranef_fit) #has title "Subject"
test(ranef_fit, main = TRUE) #has title "Subject"
test(ranef_fit, main = FALSE) #has no title
test(ranef_fit, main = expression("Let's write " ~ sigma [0]^2))#has the expression as title
test(ranef_fit, main = bquote(.("No this works") ~ sigma [0]^2))#has the bquote as title
根据这个问题 (In R, plotting random effects from lmer (lme4 package) using qqmath or dotplot: how to make it look fancy?) 的答案,我用 lattice
库中的 qqmath
创建了 "caterpillar plots"。但我面临的问题是我无法以灵活的方式在图上方指定标题。我想在标题中使用 bquote
作为公式表达式,例如 plot(x = 1, main = bquote(.("It works to write") ~ sigma [0]^2))
require(lme4) ## for lmer(), sleepstudy
require(lattice) ## for qqmath()
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
ranef_fit <- ranef(fit, condVar = TRUE)
qqmath(ranef_fit) #has title "Subject"
names(ranef_fit) <- "This works"
qqmath(ranef_fit) #now has title "This works"
names(ranef_fit) <- bquote(.("Doesn't work to write ") ~ sigma [0]^2) #doesn't work
This Website 给出了提示,我可能想使用 qqmath(x, main = attr(x, "title")
。但对我来说,不清楚 x
必须是什么:qqmath(ranef_fit, main = attr(x = qqmath(ranef_fit), "test title"))
在@Roland 的提示下,我将 lme4:::qqmath.ranef.mer
mtit <- if (main)
mtit <- NULL
}else if(is.expression(main)){
mtit <- main
}else if(main == TRUE){
mtit <- nx
mtit <- main
require(lme4) ## for lmer(), sleepstudy
require(lattice) ## for qqmath()
test <- function (x, data, main = TRUE,...){
#Say nothing about main shall give the current status
#(writing) the name of x)
#Saying 'main = FALSE' shall give no title at all
#Giving a specific main
#(e.g. main = bquote(.("Let's write ") ~ sigma [0]^2))
#shall give this specific title
prepanel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, ...) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
hw <- 1.96 * se
list(xlim = range(x - hw, x + hw, finite = TRUE))
panel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, pch = 16, ...) {
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
panel.abline(v = 0)
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
panel.segments(x - 1.96 * se, y, x + 1.96 * se, y, col = "black")
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, ...)
f <- function(nx) {
xt <- x[[nx]]
mtit <- NULL
}else if(is.expression(main)){
mtit <- main
}else if(main == TRUE){
mtit <- nx
mtit <- main
if (!is.null(pv <- attr(xt, "postVar"))) {
d <- dim(pv)
se <- vapply(seq_len(d[1]), function(i) sqrt(pv[i,
i, ]), numeric(d[3]))
nr <- nrow(xt)
nc <- ncol(xt)
ord <- unlist(lapply(xt, order)) + rep((0:(nc - 1)) *
nr, each = nr)
rr <- 1:nr
ind <- gl(nc, nr, labels = names(xt))
xyplot(rep(qnorm((rr - 0.5)/nr), nc) ~ unlist(xt)[ord] |
ind[ord], se = se[ord], prepanel = prepanel.ci,
panel = panel.ci, scales = list(x = list(relation = "free")),
ylab = "Standard normal quantiles", xlab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
else {
qqmath(~values | ind, stack(xt), scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
xlab = "Standard normal quantiles", ylab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
sapply(names(x), f, simplify = FALSE)
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
ranef_fit <- ranef(fit, condVar = TRUE)
test(ranef_fit) #has title "Subject"
test(ranef_fit, main = TRUE) #has title "Subject"
test(ranef_fit, main = FALSE) #has no title
test(ranef_fit, main = expression("Let's write " ~ sigma [0]^2))#has the expression as title
test(ranef_fit, main = bquote(.("No this works") ~ sigma [0]^2))#has the bquote as title