它不应该查看的列是 'out of domain'

Column it's not supposed to look at is 'out of domain'

我收到以下域外错误,请参见下文。问题是,在引用的行中,q 来自 Qualities 集,它甚至不包含 LAT 值。我怎样才能防止这种情况发生,并将我的所有数据保存在一个 table 中?我一直在尝试使用单独的 latdata table 来解决它,但这对我来说看起来很难看而且多余。

$ glpsol -m ron.mod
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.60
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 -m ron.mod
Reading model section from ron.mod...
Reading data section from ron.mod...
86 lines were read
Generating req...
ron.mod:20: cannot convert LAT to floating-point number
MathProg model processing error
MacBook-Air-van-Ron:examples raarts$ glpsol -m ron.mod
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.60
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 -m ron.mod
Reading model section from ron.mod...
Reading data section from ron.mod...
86 lines were read
Generating req...
ron.mod:20: data[DO_MINI,LAT] out of domain
MathProg model processing error

ron.mod 的来源如下:

set AllProducts;
/* all products */

set Qualities;
/* minrequired */

param data{prod in AllProducts, {"price"} union Qualities};

param latdata{prod in AllProducts, "LAT"};
param maxallowed{"LAT"};

set Product := setof{ prod in AllProducts: latdata[prod, "LAT"] <= maxallowed["LAT"]} prod;

param minrequired{q in Qualities};

var x{p in Product}, integer, >= 0;

subject to req{q in Qualities}: sum{p in Product} data[p,q] * x[p] >= minrequired[q];

minimize cost: sum{p in Product} x[p] * data[p, "price"];


printf "aantal product         CPU   RAM    DISK  PR/STUK   TOTAAL\n";
printf{p in Product: x[p] != 0} "%6d %-12s %6d %6d %6d %8.2f %8.2f\n", x[p], p, data[p,"CPU"] * x[p], data[p,"RAM"] * x[p], data[p,"DISK"] * x[p],data[p,"price"], data[p,"price"] * x[p];
printf                    "%6s %-12s %6d %6d %6d %8.2s %8.2f\n", "", "", sum{p in Product} data[p,"CPU"] * x[p], sum{p in Product} data[p,"RAM"] * x[p], sum{p in Product} data[p,"DISK"] * x[p], "", sum{p in Product} data[p,"price"] * x[p];


param data :    price  CPU     RAM     DISK    LAT :=
DO_MINI        5.00    1      512      20       2 
DO_SMALL      10.00    2     1024      30       2
DO_MEDIUM     15.00    2     2048      40       2
DO_LARGE      25.00    3     4096      75       2
SW_MINI        5.00    1     1024      10       3 
SW_SMALL      10.00    2     1024      15       3
SW_MEDIUM     15.00    2     2048      25       3
SW_LARGE      25.00    3     4096      50       3
BP_LARGE       5.00    3     4096      50       20

param latdata : LAT :=
DO_MINI         2  
DO_SMALL        2
DO_MEDIUM       2
DO_LARGE        2
SW_MINI         3  
SW_SMALL        3
SW_MEDIUM       3
SW_LARGE        3
BP_LARGE        20 

set AllProducts :=

param minrequired :=
CPU                15
RAM             64000
DISK             1250

param maxallowed :=
LAT                 5

set Qualities :=


您可以通过在 data 参数中允许 "LAT" 将所有数据保存在一个 table 中:

param data{prod in AllProducts, {"price", "LAT"} union Qualities};


param latdata{prod in AllProducts} = data[prod, "LAT"];

这将解决域外错误,因为 ('DO_MINI', 'LAT') 将在 data 的索引集中,使此数据语句有效:

param data :    price  CPU     RAM     DISK    LAT :=
DO_MINI        5.00    1      512      20       2  # <- data[DO_MINI, LAT]