在 java 中实现一个简单的文字冒险游戏(使用界面)

Implementing a simple text adventure game in java (working with interfaces)

我正在阅读 ECS/Composition over inheritance 并决定修改我目前正在开发的文字冒险游戏以更好地理解这个概念。


现在,在我的游戏中,逻辑是每个武器都被视为一个 IGameObject。考虑到所有这些,我想到了以下内容:


public interface IWeapon {
    int getWeaponDamage();


public class Weapon implements IWeapon {

    private int damage;

    public Weapon(int damage)
        this.damage = damage;

    public int getWeaponDamage() {

        return this.damage;

IGameObject 接口:

public interface IGameObject {

    String getGameObjectID();
    String getGameObjectName();
    String getGameObjectDescription();


public class GameObject implements IGameObject {

    private String ID;
    private String name;
    private String Desc;

    public GameObject(String ID, String name, String Desc)
        this.ID = ID;
        this.name = name;
        this.Desc = Desc;


public abstract class GameGun implements IGameObject, IWeapon {

    IGameObject gameObj;
    IWeapon weaponObj;

    //Left out getters to keep it simple and easy to read.
    public GameGun(IGameObject game, IWeapon weapon)
        this.gameObj = game;
        this.weaponObj = weapon;
    public void fire()
        System.out.println("Shot Fired");

    public void reload()
        //implementation for reload method



    GameObject sleep = new GameObject("SLP-1","Sleep Weapon","A Custom Made Gun");
    Weapon sleepDamage = new Weapon(10);

    GameGun sleepWeapon = new SleepWeapon(sleep,sleepDamage);


  1. 我只是想知道我的实现是否正确?
  2. 如果不是,我该如何更正?

我一直在纠正许多问题并使其正常运行。你现在可以玩了:D 请抓住要点以获得所有工作代码。


Revolver Gun:Gun reloaded
Revolver Gun:Gun shots => 10 damage(s)
Basic Sword:Sword cuts =>  5 damage(s)
Basic Sword:Sword cuts =>  5 damage(s)
Basic Sword:Sword cuts =>  5 damage(s)
Revolver Gun:Gun shots => 10 damage(s)


package com.rizze.test.labs.sof.gamegun;

import org.junit.Test;

public class GameGunTest {

    public void betterCode2() {

        Game sleep = new Game("SLP-1","Sleep Weapon","A Custom Made Gun");
        Gun gun = new Gun();
        Sword sword = new Sword();


    public class Gun implements IWeapon {

        private int damage;
        private String name;

        public Gun(int damage)
            this.damage = damage;

        public Gun()
            this.damage = 10;
            this.name= "Revolver Gun";

        public int getDamages() {

            return this.damage;

         * @return damages
        public int hit() {
            System.out.println( this.name + ":Gun shots => "+damage +" damage(s)");
            return this.damage;

        public void reload() {
            System.out.println(this.name+":Gun reloaded");          


    public class Sword implements IWeapon {

        private String name;
        private int damage;

        public Sword(String name){  
            this.damage = 5;


        public Sword(){ 
            this.damage = 5;
            this.name="Basic Sword";


        public int getDamages() {

            return this.damage;

         * @return damages
        public int hit() {
            System.out.println( name+ ":Sword cuts =>  "+damage +" damage(s)");
            return damage;

        public void reload() {
            System.out.println( name+ ":Sword - skipped reload" );          


    public class Game implements IGame {

        private String id;
        private String name;
        private String desc;

        public Game(String ID, String name, String Desc)
            this.id = ID;
            this.name = name;
            this.desc = Desc;

        public String getId() {
            return this.id;

        public String getName() {
            return this.getName();

        public String getDesc() {
            return this.desc;


public interface IGame {

    String getId();
    String getName();
    String getDesc();


package com.rizze.test.labs.sof.gamegun;

    public interface IWeapon {
        int getDamages();
        int hit();
        void reload();

GIST 这是完整的 GIST :https://gist.github.com/jeorfevre/92d093853bfd3fc5c666b915b309abf1