编写自定义 GetModuleHandle 函数的原因是什么?

What is the reason to write custom GetModuleHandle function?

我正在研究 ZeuS 恶意软件,我遇到了 source code:

HMODULE _getKernel32Handle(void)
#if defined _WIN64
  return NULL; //FIXME
    cld                    //clear the direction flag for the loop

    mov edx, fs:[0x30]     //get a pointer to the PEB
    mov edx, [edx + 0x0C]  //get PEB-> Ldr
    mov edx, [edx + 0x14]  //get the first module from the InMemoryOrder module list

    mov esi, [edx + 0x28]  //get pointer to modules name (unicode string)
    mov ecx, 24            //the length we want to check
    xor edi, edi           //clear edi which will store the hash of the module name

    xor eax, eax           //clear eax
    lodsb                  //read in the next byte of the name
    cmp al, 'a'            //some versions of Windows use lower case module names
    jl not_lowercase
    sub al, 0x20           //if so normalise to uppercase

    ror edi, 13            //rotate right our hash value
    add edi, eax           //add the next byte of the name to the hash
    loop loop_modname      //loop until we have read enough

    cmp edi, 0x6A4ABC5B    //compare the hash with that of KERNEL32.DLL
    mov eax, [edx + 0x10]  //get this modules base address
    mov edx, [edx]         //get the next module
    jne next_mod           //if it doesn't match, process the next module


  1. 读取fs段寄存器(32位Windows在那里存储TEB)
  2. 获取指向 PEB
  3. 的指针
  4. 获取指向 PEB_LDR_DATA 的指针(包含有关进程已加载模块的信息)
  5. 遍历 InMemoryOrder 列表
  6. 使用自定义自制哈希函数
  7. 将模块名称与 "kernel32.dll" 进行比较

为什么 GetModuleHandle 在那里不合适?

代码片段正在尝试获取 kernel32.dll 的模块句柄(即基地址),大概是因为它还没有此模块的句柄. GetModuleHandlekernel32.dll 导出。不知道函数地址就不能调用函数。