
How to use hashtable and bucket hashing

所以最近我一直在尝试在 table 中练习散列和使用链表来存储值。我理解这个概念,但我无法将其付诸实践,而且似乎无法在网上找到我要找的东西。

例如: 假设我想使用散列 table 来存储诸如显示器、鼠标等计算机之类的东西。我想要这样的方法:

boolean addMonitor(String id, String description, double price, int units, String size)

boolean addMouse(String id, String description, double price, int units, int buttons)


即使它的名字是 "table",HashTable 也不像 "database table" 你有列,每个列存储值...你似乎想使用 hashtable 作为数据库 table.

Hashtable 存储对象!所以你的方法应该看起来更好:

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ItemStore store;
        Monitor monitor;
        Mouse mouse;

        store = new ItemStore();
        monitor = new Monitor();
        monitor.id = 2;
        monitor.price = 6;

        mouse = new Mouse();
        mouse.id = 7;
        mouse.buttons = 3;


        System.out.println(store.getItem(2).price);   // = 6
        System.out.println(((Monitor) store.getItem(2)).dpi);
        System.out.println(((Mouse) store.getItem(7)).buttons); //Downcasting ... = 3
    public static class Item {
       String id;
       String description;
       int price;
       // common attributes here!

    public static class Monitor extends Item {
        private int dpi;
       // monitor particular atributes here!!

    public static class Mouse extends Item {
        private int buttons;
        // mouse particular attributes here!!!

    public static class ItemStore {
       private Hashtable<String, Item> table = new HashTable<>();

       public boolean addItem(Item item) {
           this.table.put(item.getId(), item);

       public Item getItem(String id) {
           return this.table.get(id);