
Protractor troubleshooting

在量角器 1.5.0 中,有一个新的 --troubleshoot flag introduced, which is not properly documented at the moment, but in the changelog 它指出:

Improve error messages and add debug info when

  • the configuration file cannot be parsed
  • a webdriver session cannot be started
  • more than one element is found using element

--troubleshoot 命令行参数涵盖哪些用例?



  1. 它解析配置并提供建议
  2. 它会打印出所有相关的环境变量(OS、量角器版本、框架、功能等),这样当他们报告问题时,像我这样的其他人可以查看这些信息来确定问题是否出在与环境有关。

目前,--troubleshoot 旨在帮助 无法获得量角器 运行 的用户(不适用于失败测试的故障排除)。它更像是:

if you can't get protractor to run, run this mode to see if it catches anything before submitting an issue; if it doesn't, paste the output from troubleshoot so we don't have to ask about OS/version/etc every time.

也就是说,我们计划在未来添加额外的功能来帮助用户解决他们的非 运行ning 测试。