睡在 Smalltalk Squeak 中

Sleep in Smalltalk Squeak

我正在处理 N*N 皇后问题及其图形用户界面。 我想每次移动都睡几秒钟,这样观众就可以看到这个过程。 如何让 smalltalk 休眠?



5 seconds asDelay wait.

例如如果您 select 和 打印它 以下内容,它将等待 5 秒然后打印结果 (2)

    5 seconds asDelay wait.
    1 + 1
] value

Delay class 的评论解释了它的作用。

I am the main way that a process may pause for some amount of time. The simplest usage is like this:

(Delay forSeconds: 5) wait.

An instance of Delay responds to the message 'wait' by suspending the caller's process for a certain amount of time. The duration of the pause is specified when the Delay is created with the message forMilliseconds: or forSeconds:. A Delay can be used again when the current wait has finished. For example, a clock process might repeatedly wait on a one-second Delay.

A delay in progress when an image snapshot is saved is resumed when the snapshot is re-started. Delays work across millisecond clock roll-overs.

For a more complex example, see #testDelayOf:for:rect: .


wait 将暂停执行流程,这意味着在前面的示例中,1 + 1 只有在等待期结束后才会执行(执行流程恢复)。

所以在你的 class 你可以有...

    self drawBoard.
    5 seconds asDelay wait.
    self solve.
    5 seconds asDelay wait.
    self destroyBoard.