
State monads: Transitioning from one state type to another


-- | SEWT: Composition of State . Except . Writer monad transformers in that
-- order where Writer is the innermost transformer.
-- the form of the computation is: s -> (Either e (a, s), w)
newtype SEWT s e w m a = SEWT {
    _runSEWT :: StateT s (ExceptT e (WriterT w m)) a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
              MonadState s, MonadError e, MonadWriter w)

-- | 'runSEWT': runs a 'SEWT' computation given an initial state.
runSEWT :: SEWT s e w m a -> s -> m (Either e (a, s), w)
runSEWT ev e = runWriterT $ runExceptT $ runStateT (_runSEWT ev) e

然后我们想以某种形式做:SEWT s e w m a -> s -> SEWT t e w m a。 这当然不可能使用 (>>=)do 块,因为以 s 作为状态的状态 monad 与以 t.[=18= 的状态 monad 不同。 ]


-- | 'sewtTransition': transitions between one 'SEWT' computation with state s,
-- to another with state s. The current state and result of the given
-- computation is given to a mapping function that must produce the next
-- computation. The initial state must also be passed as the last parameter.
transitionState :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => ((a, s) -> SEWT t e w m a)
                -> m (SEWT s e w m a) -> s -> m (SEWT t e w m a)
transitionState _trans _comp _init = do
    (res, logs) <- _comp >>= flip runSEWT _init
    return $ do tell logs 
                case res of Left  fail -> throwError fail
                            Right succ -> _trans succ

-- 'withState': behaves like 'transitionState' but ignores the state of
-- the first computation.
withState :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
          => m (SEWT s e w m a) -> s -> m (SEWT t e w m a)
withState = transitionState $ return . fst




transSEWT :: Functor m => (((a, y), x) -> (a, y)) -> SEWT x e w m a -> x -> SEWT y e w m a
transSEWT f x_c x_i = SEWT $ StateT $ \y_i -> ExceptT . WriterT $
    first ((\(a, x_f) -> f ((a, y_i), x_f)) <$>) <$> runSEWT x_c x_i

changeSEWT :: Functor m => SEWT x e w m a -> x -> SEWT y e w m a
changeSEWT = transSEWT fst

transS :: Monad m => (((a, y), x) -> (a, y)) -> StateT x m a -> x -> StateT y m a
transS f x_c x_i = StateT $ \y_i -> do (a, x_f) <- runStateT x_c x_i
                                       return $ f ((a, y_i), x_f)

changeS :: Monad m => StateT x m a -> x -> StateT y m a
changeS = transS fst

你的想法可以用 索引状态 monad 来实现。

newtype IState i o a = IState { runIState :: i -> (o, a) }

IState i o a 类型的值是一种状态计算,其中 returns 类型 a 的值,将隐式状态的类型从 i 转换为 o 过程中。将此与常规 State monad 进行对比,后者不允许您更改其状态的类型:

type State s = IState s s

排序索引状态单子应确保输入和输出对齐。一个计算的输出类型是下一个计算的输入。输入 Atkey 的 parameterised monad(现在通常称为 索引 monad),描述通过有向图的路径的类 monad 事物的 class。

class IMonad m where
    ireturn :: a -> m i i a
    (>>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b

(>>>) :: IMonad m => m i j a -> m j k b -> m i k b
mx >>> my = mx >>>= const my

绑定索引 monad 就像玩多米诺骨牌:如果你有办法从 ij 和从 jk , >>>= 会将您的多米诺骨牌粘合在一起,形成一个更大的计算,从 ik。 McBride 在 Kleisli Arrows of Outrageous Fortune 中描述了这个索引 monad 的一个更强大的版本,但这个版本已经足够我们的目的了。

如上所述,多米诺骨牌式排序正是索引状态 monad 所需要的,它需要输入和输出对齐。

instance IMonad IState where
    ireturn x = IState $ \s -> (s, x)
    IState f >>>= g = IState $ \i -> let (o, x) = f i
                                     in runIState (g x) o

从索引状态 monad 中检索值不会更改状态的类型。

get :: IState s s s
get = IState $ \s -> (s, s)

将值放入索引状态 monad 会丢弃旧状态。这意味着输入状态的类型可以是任何你喜欢的。

put :: s -> IState i s ()
put x = IState $ \_ -> (x, ())

请注意,使用 IState 的所有代码与 State 完全相同!只是变得更聪明的类型。

这是一个简单的 IState 计算,它需要一个 Int 类型的状态,将状态更改为 String,并且 returns 一个布尔答案。所有这些都经过静态检查。

myStateComputation :: IState Int String Bool
myStateComputation =
    -- poor man's do notation. You could use RebindableSyntax
    get              >>>= \s ->
    put (show s)     >>>
    ireturn (s > 5)

main = print $ runIState myStateComputation 3
-- ("3", False)