使用 numpy/scipy 最大限度地减少 Python multiprocessing.Pool 中的开销

Minimize overhead in Python multiprocessing.Pool with numpy/scipy

我花了几个小时尝试并行化我的 number-c运行ching 代码,但这样做只会让速度变慢。不幸的是,当我尝试将其简化为下面的示例并且我真的不想 post 整个程序时,问题就消失了。那么问题来了:在这种类型的程序中我应该避免哪些陷阱?




import numpy as np, time, sys
from multiprocessing import Pool
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

def stopwatch(msg=''):
    tm = time.time()
    global _tm
    if _tm==0: _tm = tm; return
    print("%s: %.2f seconds" % (msg, tm-_tm))
    _tm = tm

class BigData:
    def __init__(self, n):
        z = np.random.uniform(size=n*n*n).reshape((n,n,n))
        self.ff = []
        for i in range(n):
            f = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(n), np.arange(n), z[i], kx=1, ky=1)
        self.n = n

    def do_chunk(self, k, xi, yi):
        s = np.sum(np.exp(self.ff[k].ev(xi, yi)))
        return s

    def do_multi(self, numproc, xi, yi):
        procs = []
        pool = Pool(numproc)
        stopwatch('Pool setup')
        for k in range(self.n):
            p = pool.apply_async( _do_chunk_wrapper, (self, k, xi, yi))
        stopwatch('Jobs queued (%d processes)' % numproc)
        sum = 0.0
        for k in range(self.n):
            # Edit/bugfix: replaced p.get by procs[k].get
            sum += np.sum(procs[k].get(timeout=30)) # timeout allows ctrl-C interrupt
            if k == 0: stopwatch("\nFirst get() done")
        stopwatch('Jobs done')
        return sum

    def do_single(self, xi, yi):
        sum = 0.0
        for k in range(self.n):
            sum += self.do_chunk(k, xi, yi)
        stopwatch('\nAll in single process')
        return sum

def _do_chunk_wrapper(bd, k, xi, yi): # must be outside class for apply_async to chunk
    return bd.do_chunk(k, xi, yi)        

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 50
    bd = BigData(n)
    m = 1000*1000
    xi, yi = np.random.uniform(0, n, size=m*2).reshape((2,m))
    bd.do_multi(2, xi, yi)
    bd.do_multi(3, xi, yi)
    bd.do_single(xi, yi)


Initialized: 0.06 seconds
Pool setup: 0.01 seconds
Jobs queued (2 processes): 0.03 seconds
First get() done: 0.34 seconds
................................................Jobs done: 7.89 seconds
Pool setup: 0.05 seconds
Jobs queued (3 processes): 0.03 seconds
First get() done: 0.50 seconds
................................................Jobs done: 6.19 seconds
All in single process: 11.41 seconds

时间安排在 Intel Core i3-3227 CPU 上,具有 2 个内核、4 个线程、运行ning 64 位 Linux。实际程序中,多进程版本(池机制,即使只用一个核)比单进程版本慢了10倍。


Unutbu 的回答让我走上了正轨。在实际程序中,self 被 pickle 成一个 37 到 140 MB 的对象,需要传递给工作进程。更糟糕的是,Python 酸洗非常慢;酸洗本身需要几秒钟,每块工作都会传递给工作进程。 Linux 中的 apply_async 除了 pickle 和传递大数据对象外,开销很小;对于一个小函数(添加一些整数参数),每个 apply_async/get 对只需要 0.2 毫秒。因此,将工作分成非常小的块本身并不是问题。因此,我将所有大数组参数作为索引传递给全局变量。为了 CPU 缓存优化,我保持小块大小。

全局变量存储在全局dict;设置工作池后,父进程中的条目将立即删除。只有 dict 的键被传输到工作进程。 pickling/IPC 唯一的大数据是工人创建的新数据。


import numpy as np, sys
from multiprocessing import Pool

_mproc_data = {}  # global storage for objects during multiprocessing.

class BigData:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.blah = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=size)

    def do_chunk(self, k, xi, yi):
        # do the work and return an array of the same shape as xi, yi
        zi = k*np.ones_like(xi)
        return zi

    def do_all_work(self, xi, yi, num_proc):
        global _mproc_data
        mp_key = str(id(self))
        _mproc_data['bd'+mp_key] = self # BigData
        _mproc_data['xi'+mp_key] = xi
        _mproc_data['yi'+mp_key] = yi
        pool = Pool(processes=num_proc)
        # processes have now inherited the global variabele; clean up in the parent process
        for v in ['bd', 'xi', 'yi']:
            del _mproc_data[v+mp_key]

        # setup indices for the worker processes (placeholder)
        n_chunks = 45
        n = len(xi)
        chunk_len = n//n_chunks
        i1list = np.arange(0,n,chunk_len)
        i2list = i1list + chunk_len
        i2list[-1] = n
        klist = range(n_chunks) # placeholder

        procs = []
        for i in range(n_chunks):
            p = pool.apply_async( _do_chunk_wrapper, (mp_key, i1list[i], i2list[i], klist[i]) )

        # allocate space for combined results
        zi = np.zeros_like(xi)

        # get data from workers and finish  
        for i, p in enumerate(procs):
            zi[i1list[i]:i2list[i]] = p.get(timeout=30) # timeout allows ctrl-C handling


        return zi

def _do_chunk_wrapper(key, i1, i2, k):
    """All arguments are small objects."""
    global _mproc_data
    bd = _mproc_data['bd'+key]
    xi = _mproc_data['xi'+key][i1:i2]
    yi = _mproc_data['yi'+key][i1:i2]
    return bd.do_chunk(k, xi, yi)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    xi, yi = np.linspace(1, 100, 100001), np.linspace(1, 100, 100001)
    bd = BigData(int(1e7))
    bd.do_all_work(xi, yi, 4)

这里是速度测试的结果(同样,2 个内核,4 个线程),改变工作进程的数量和块中的内存量(xiyi, zi 数组切片)。数字在 "million result values per second" 中,但这对于比较来说并不重要。 “1 个流程”行是使用完整输入数据直接调用 do_chunk,没有任何子流程。

#Proc   125K    250K    500K   1000K   unlimited
1                                      0.82 
2       4.28    1.96    1.3     1.31 
3       2.69    1.06    1.06    1.07 
4       2.17    1.27    1.23    1.28 

内存中数据大小的影响相当大。 CPU 有 3 MB 共享 L3 缓存,外加每个内核 256 KB L2 缓存。请注意,该计算还需要访问 BigData 对象的数 MB 内部数据。因此,我们从中学到的是,进行这种速度测试是有用的。对于这个程序,2个进程最快,4个次之,3个最慢。

尽量减少进程间通信。 在 multiprocessing 模块中,所有(单台计算机)进程间通信都通过队列完成。对象通过队列 被腌制。因此,尝试通过队列发送更少 and/or 个较小的对象。

  • 不通过队列发送 selfBigData 的实例。它相当大,并且随着 self 中数据量的增加而变大:

    In [6]: import pickle
    In [14]: len(pickle.dumps(BigData(50)))
    Out[14]: 1052187

    每个 调用时间 pool.apply_async( _do_chunk_wrapper, (self, k, xi, yi))self 在主进程中 pickled,在 worker 进程中 unpickled。这 len(pickle.dumps(BigData(N))) 的大小增加了 N

  • 让数据从全局变量中读取。在 Linux,您可以利用写时复制。作为 Jan-Philip Gehrcke explains:

    After fork(), parent and child are in an equivalent state. It would be stupid to copy the entire memory of the parent to another place in the RAM. That's [where] the copy-on-write principle [comes] in. As long as the child does not change its memory state, it actually accesses the parent's memory. Only upon modification, the corresponding bits and pieces are copied into the memory space of the child.

    因此,您可以避免通过队列传递 BigData 的实例 通过简单地将实例定义为全局实例,bd = BigData(n),(正如您已经在做的那样)并在工作进程中引用它的值(例如 _do_chunk_wrapper)。它基本上相当于从对 pool.apply_async:

    的调用中删除 self
    p = pool.apply_async(_do_chunk_wrapper, (k_start, k_end, xi, yi))

    并以全局方式访问 bd,并对 do_chunk_wrapper 的调用签名进行必要的伴随更改。

  • 尝试将更长的 运行 函数 func 传递给 pool.apply_async。 如果您有许多对 pool.apply_async 的快速完成调用,那么通过队列传递参数和 return 值的开销将成为总时间的重要部分。相反,如果您减少对 pool.apply_async 的调用并在 return 获得结果之前给每个 func 更多的工作要做,那么进程间通信将成为总时间的一小部分。

    下面,我修改了 _do_chunk_wrapper 以接受 k_startk_end 参数,这样每次调用 pool.apply_async 都会计算 [=39 的许多值的总和=] 在 return 结果之前。

import math
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
import multiprocessing as mp
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate

def stopwatch(msg=''):
    tm = time.time()
    global _tm
    if _tm==0: _tm = tm; return
    print("%s: %.2f seconds" % (msg, tm-_tm))
    _tm = tm

class BigData:
    def __init__(self, n):
        z = np.random.uniform(size=n*n*n).reshape((n,n,n))
        self.ff = []
        for i in range(n):
            f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
                np.arange(n), np.arange(n), z[i], kx=1, ky=1)
        self.n = n

    def do_chunk(self, k, xi, yi):
        n = self.n
        s = np.sum(np.exp(self.ff[k].ev(xi, yi)))
        return s

    def do_chunk_of_chunks(self, k_start, k_end, xi, yi):
        s = sum(np.sum(np.exp(self.ff[k].ev(xi, yi)))
                    for k in range(k_start, k_end))
        return s

    def do_multi(self, numproc, xi, yi):
        procs = []
        pool = mp.Pool(numproc)
        stopwatch('\nPool setup')
        ks = list(map(int, np.linspace(0, self.n, numproc+1)))
        for i in range(len(ks)-1):
            k_start, k_end = ks[i:i+2]
            p = pool.apply_async(_do_chunk_wrapper, (k_start, k_end, xi, yi))
        stopwatch('Jobs queued (%d processes)' % numproc)
        total = 0.0
        for k, p in enumerate(procs):
            total += np.sum(p.get(timeout=30)) # timeout allows ctrl-C interrupt
            if k == 0: stopwatch("\nFirst get() done")
        stopwatch('Jobs done')
        return total

    def do_single(self, xi, yi):
        total = 0.0
        for k in range(self.n):
            total += self.do_chunk(k, xi, yi)
        stopwatch('\nAll in single process')
        return total

def _do_chunk_wrapper(k_start, k_end, xi, yi): 
    return bd.do_chunk_of_chunks(k_start, k_end, xi, yi)        

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 50
    bd = BigData(n)
    m = 1000*1000
    xi, yi = np.random.uniform(0, n, size=m*2).reshape((2,m))
    bd.do_multi(2, xi, yi)
    bd.do_multi(3, xi, yi)
    bd.do_single(xi, yi)


Initialized: 0.15 seconds

Pool setup: 0.06 seconds
Jobs queued (2 processes): 0.00 seconds

First get() done: 6.56 seconds
Jobs done: 0.55 seconds
Pool setup: 0.08 seconds
Jobs queued (3 processes): 0.00 seconds

First get() done: 5.19 seconds
Jobs done: 1.57 seconds
All in single process: 12.13 seconds


Initialized: 0.10 seconds
Pool setup: 0.03 seconds
Jobs queued (2 processes): 0.00 seconds

First get() done: 10.47 seconds
Jobs done: 0.00 seconds
Pool setup: 0.12 seconds
Jobs queued (3 processes): 0.00 seconds

First get() done: 9.21 seconds
Jobs done: 0.00 seconds
All in single process: 12.12 seconds