VHDL 程序无法编译
VHDL program doesn' t compile
我正在尝试用执行以下操作的结构方式创建一个 VHDL ALU:
我是 运行 我在 Quartus II 中的代码,它在编译时发现了一些错误。
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.basic_func.all;
entity askhsh1 is
( a : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
coin : in std_logic;
coout : out std_logic;
s : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
d : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
result : out std_logic;
operator : in std_logic;
binvert : in std_logic;
ainvert : in std_logic);
end askhsh1;
architecture structure of askhsh1 is
signal c : std_logic_vector(1 to 15);
signal result : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
component myAND
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myXOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component fullader
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : myAND port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '0') else T1 : myOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '1')
else (stage0 : fullader port map (coin, a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), a(1), b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), a(2), b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), a(3), b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), a(4), b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), a(5), b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), a(6), b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), a(7), b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), a(8), b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), a(9), b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), a(10), b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), a(11), b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), a(12), b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), a(13), b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), a(14), b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), a(15), b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and binvert = '0' and ainvert = '0')
else (stage0 : fullader port map ('1', a(0), not b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), a(1), not b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), a(2), not b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), a(3), not b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), a(4), not b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), a(5), not b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), a(6), not b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), a(7), not b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), a(8), not b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), a(9), not b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), a(10), not b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), a(11), not b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), a(12), not b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), a(13), not b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), a(14), not b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), a(15), not b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and binvert = '1' and ainvert = '0')
else (stage0 : fullader port map ('1', not a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), not a(1), b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), not a(2), b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), not a(3), b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), not a(4), b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), not a(5), b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), not a(6), b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), not a(7), b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), not a(8), b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), not a(9), b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), not a(10), b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), not a(11), b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), not a(12), b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), not a(13), b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), not a(14), b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), not a(15), b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and ainvert = '1' and binvert = '0')
else P1 : myXOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '3');
end structure;
包裹 basic_func 在这里:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package basic_func is
component myAND
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myXOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component fullader
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end component;
end package basic_func;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myAND is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myAND;
architecture modeland of myAND is
out1 <= in1 and in2;
end modeland;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myOR is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myOR;
architecture modelor of myOR is
out1 <= in1 or in2;
end modelor;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myXOR is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myXOR;
architecture modelxor of myXOR is
out1 <= in1 xor in2;
end modelxor;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myfullader is
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end myfullader;
architecture modelfulla of myfullader is
s <= x xor y xor cin;
cout <= (x and y) or (cin and x) or (cin and y);
end modelfulla;
您解决 select 功能块的不同输出(加法等)问题的方法无效:
U1 : myAND port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '0') else T1 : myOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '1') -- and so on
请记住,您描述的是硬件。您在这里尝试做的是实例化 不同的 硬件,具体取决于 operator
,它会在 运行 时间内发生变化。您需要做的是实例化 all 功能块,然后使用您的 operator
来复用这些功能块的 one 的输出块到你的输出。很难给出一个可以准确复制的示例,但是 select 其中一个输出的一般方法看起来像这样(其中 operator
是一个 integer range 0 to 2
process (operator, adder_output, and_output, or_output)
case (operator) is
when 0 => result <= and_output;
when 1 => result <= or_output;
when 2 => result <= adder_output;
end case;
end process;
您的 operator
被定义为 std_logic
,而您正在尝试检查它是否为 '2'
。看起来要实现您拥有的运算符数量,您应该将此输入定义为 integer
。完成此操作后,您将根据整数文字测试此输入,它看起来像 2
、 而不是 '2'
。假设您有 3 个运算符,我会输入 operator : in integer range 0 to 2
您将 result
定义为 std_logic
端口和 std_logic_vector
信号。目前尚不清楚您真正想要什么,但我怀疑您应该将 result
端口设置为 std_logic_vector
stage0 : fullader port map (coin, a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage0 : fullader port map (
cin => coin,
x => a(0),
y => b(0),
s => s(0),
cout => c(1)
我建议让代码更加结构化,这样你就可以创建一个使用你的 fulladder
实体创建 8 位加法器的实体,然后你可以更干净地实例化这个顶层的 8 位加法器。这将使您的代码更清楚发生了什么。
如果您确实需要有条件地实例化一个实体,您可以使用 generate
SomeLabel : if (my_condition = true) generate
stage0 : fullader port map (
cin => coin,
x => a(0),
y => b(0),
s => s(0),
cout => c(1)
end generate;
同样,我认为这不是您在这种情况下应该使用的,因为 generate
是一个编译时构造,并且您希望行为在 运行-时间.
我正在尝试用执行以下操作的结构方式创建一个 VHDL ALU: 1)加法 2)减法 3)逻辑与 4)逻辑或
我是 运行 我在 Quartus II 中的代码,它在编译时发现了一些错误。 这是我的代码:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.basic_func.all;
entity askhsh1 is
( a : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
coin : in std_logic;
coout : out std_logic;
s : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
d : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
result : out std_logic;
operator : in std_logic;
binvert : in std_logic;
ainvert : in std_logic);
end askhsh1;
architecture structure of askhsh1 is
signal c : std_logic_vector(1 to 15);
signal result : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
component myAND
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myXOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component fullader
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : myAND port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '0') else T1 : myOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '1')
else (stage0 : fullader port map (coin, a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), a(1), b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), a(2), b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), a(3), b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), a(4), b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), a(5), b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), a(6), b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), a(7), b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), a(8), b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), a(9), b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), a(10), b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), a(11), b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), a(12), b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), a(13), b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), a(14), b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), a(15), b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and binvert = '0' and ainvert = '0')
else (stage0 : fullader port map ('1', a(0), not b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), a(1), not b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), a(2), not b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), a(3), not b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), a(4), not b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), a(5), not b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), a(6), not b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), a(7), not b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), a(8), not b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), a(9), not b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), a(10), not b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), a(11), not b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), a(12), not b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), a(13), not b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), a(14), not b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), a(15), not b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and binvert = '1' and ainvert = '0')
else (stage0 : fullader port map ('1', not a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage1 : fullader port map (c(1), not a(1), b(1), s(1), c(2));
stage2 : fullader port map (c(2), not a(2), b(2), s(2), c(3));
stage3 : fullader port map (c(3), not a(3), b(3), s(3), c(4));
stage4 : fullader port map (c(4), not a(4), b(4), s(4), c(5));
stage5 : fullader port map (c(5), not a(5), b(5), s(5), c(6));
stage6 : fullader port map (c(6), not a(6), b(6), s(6), c(7));
stage7 : fullader port map (c(7), not a(7), b(7), s(7), c(8));
stage8 : fullader port map (c(8), not a(8), b(8), s(8), c(9));
stage9 : fullader port map (c(9), not a(9), b(9), s(9), c(10));
stage10 : fullader port map (c(10), not a(10), b(10), s(10), c(11));
stage11 : fullader port map (c(11), not a(11), b(11), s(11), c(12));
stage12 : fullader port map (c(12), not a(12), b(12), s(12), c(13));
stage13 : fullader port map (c(13), not a(13), b(13), s(13), c(14));
stage14 : fullader port map (c(14), not a(14), b(14), s(14), c(15));
stage15 : fullader port map (c(15), not a(15), b(15), s(15), coout);) when (operator = '2' and ainvert = '1' and binvert = '0')
else P1 : myXOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '3');
end structure;
包裹 basic_func 在这里:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package basic_func is
component myAND
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component myXOR
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component fullader
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end component;
end package basic_func;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myAND is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myAND;
architecture modeland of myAND is
out1 <= in1 and in2;
end modeland;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myOR is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myOR;
architecture modelor of myOR is
out1 <= in1 or in2;
end modelor;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myXOR is
port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end myXOR;
architecture modelxor of myXOR is
out1 <= in1 xor in2;
end modelxor;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myfullader is
port (cin, x, y : in std_logic;
s, cout : out std_logic);
end myfullader;
architecture modelfulla of myfullader is
s <= x xor y xor cin;
cout <= (x and y) or (cin and x) or (cin and y);
end modelfulla;
您解决 select 功能块的不同输出(加法等)问题的方法无效:
U1 : myAND port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '0') else T1 : myOR port map (a, b, result) when (operator = '1') -- and so on
请记住,您描述的是硬件。您在这里尝试做的是实例化 不同的 硬件,具体取决于 operator
,它会在 运行 时间内发生变化。您需要做的是实例化 all 功能块,然后使用您的 operator
来复用这些功能块的 one 的输出块到你的输出。很难给出一个可以准确复制的示例,但是 select 其中一个输出的一般方法看起来像这样(其中 operator
是一个 integer range 0 to 2
process (operator, adder_output, and_output, or_output)
case (operator) is
when 0 => result <= and_output;
when 1 => result <= or_output;
when 2 => result <= adder_output;
end case;
end process;
、 而不是'2'
。假设您有 3 个运算符,我会输入operator : in integer range 0 to 2
stage0 : fullader port map (coin, a(0), b(0), s(0), c(1));
stage0 : fullader port map ( cin => coin, x => a(0), y => b(0), s => s(0), cout => c(1) );
实体创建 8 位加法器的实体,然后你可以更干净地实例化这个顶层的 8 位加法器。这将使您的代码更清楚发生了什么。如果您确实需要有条件地实例化一个实体,您可以使用
语句:SomeLabel : if (my_condition = true) generate stage0 : fullader port map ( cin => coin, x => a(0), y => b(0), s => s(0), cout => c(1) ); end generate;
是一个编译时构造,并且您希望行为在 运行-时间.