如何 destruct/generalize 重写程序的匹配语句

How to destruct/generalize over Program's rewritten match statements

当使用 Program 时,匹配语句被重写为 "proof-passing" 样式。这使得匹配的证据在分支中可用——这可能很关键。


Require Import ZArith.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Program Definition test (x:Z) : option (x <= 100) :=
  match Z_le_gt_dec x 100 with
  | left bound => Some _
  | right bound => None

Lemma test_gt_100 : forall x:Z, x > 100 -> test x = None.
  intros x bound.
  unfold test.

此时,通常destruct (Z_le_gt_dec x 100),证明就很容易了。然而,重写的匹配给出了这个上下文:

x : Z
bound : x > 100
   Z_le_gt_dec x 100 as x0
   return (x0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 -> option (x <= 100))
 | left bound0 =>
     fun Heq_anonymous : left bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 =>
     Some (test_obligation_1 x bound0 Heq_anonymous)
 | right bound0 => fun _ : right bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100 => None
 end eq_refl = None


Toplevel input, characters 20-48:
Error: Abstracting over the term "s" leads to a term
"fun s : {x <= 100} + {x > 100} =>
 match s as x0 return (x0 = s -> option (x <= 100)) with
 | left bound =>
     fun Heq_anonymous : left bound = s =>
     Some (test_obligation_1 x bound Heq_anonymous)
 | right bound => fun _ : right bound = s => None
 end eq_refl = None" which is ill-typed.

放慢速度并尝试 generalize (Z_le_gt_dec x 100) 说明原因:

Toplevel input, characters 0-30:
Error: Illegal application (Type Error): 
The term "test_obligation_1" of type
 "forall x : Z,
  let filtered_var := Z_le_gt_dec x 100 in
  forall bound : x <= 100, left bound = filtered_var -> x <= 100"
cannot be applied to the terms
 "x" : "Z"
 "bound0" : "x <= 100"
 "Heq_anonymous" : "left bound0 = s"
The 3rd term has type "left bound0 = s" which should be coercible to
 "left bound0 = Z_le_gt_dec x 100".


(如果有用的话,我已经把它放在 collacoq 中了。不要忘记首先只执行注释行,然后等到所有库都已加载后再导入 ZArith。)

这里的问题是你依赖于一个特定的相等项,对它进行抽象应该允许你继续。 (陈述独立于证明的引理是一般的良好做法)。

这是您的示例,使用 ssreflect 的重写。抱歉,我无法指示 Coq 的程序进行正确的模式选择。

Comments "pkgs: coq-reals".
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Program Definition test (x:Z) : option (x <= 100) :=
  match Z_le_gt_dec x 100 with
  | left  bound => Some _
  | right bound => None

Lemma test_gt_100 : forall x:Z, x > 100 -> test x = None.
intros x hb; unfold test.
assert (Z_le_gt_dec x 100 = right hb) as Hz. admit.
move: eq_refl; rewrite {1 3}Hz.

[也在 https://x80.org/collacoq/xareboqura.coq]


编辑:更详细一点:在开始时,匹配的参数是eq_refl : forall x, x = x,这是可以的,因为匹配中的函数需要一个Z.le .... = Z.le ....类型的术语。但是,在执行重写时,匹配注释中的类型将变成 Z_le ... = right ... 形式,但如果参数仍然是 eq_refl,这将导致键入错误的术语,因为 eq_refl 可以永远不要输入 Z.le ... = right ...!


为什么首先用 eq_refl 来证明?通常这样做是为了在存在相等性证明的情况下具有良好的归约行为。

为你的程序添加证明无关支持会很有趣。 (如果已经有一些,我会忽略)。