列表平等 w/ `cong`

List Equality w/ `cong`

按照我的另一个 question, I tried to implement the actual exercise in Type-Driven Development with Idris same_cons 来证明,给定两个相等的列表,在每个列表前添加相同的元素会导致两个相等的列表。


prove that 1 :: [1,2,3] == 1 :: [1,2,3]


sameS : {xs : List a} -> {ys : List a} -> (x: a) -> xs = ys -> x :: xs = x :: ys
sameS {xs} {ys} x prf = cong prf

same_cons : {xs : List a} -> {ys : List a} -> xs = ys -> x :: xs = x :: ys
same_cons prf = sameS _ prf


> same_cons {x=5} {xs = [1,2,3]} {ys = [1,2,3]} Refl
Refl : [5, 1, 2, 3] = [5, 1, 2, 3]

关于cong函数,我的理解是它需要一个证明,即a = b,但我不明白它的第二个参数:f a.

> :t cong
cong : (a = b) -> f a = f b


如果您有两个值 u : cv : c,以及一个函数 f : c -> d,那么如果您知道 u = v,它必须遵循 [=14] =],简单地遵循引用透明度。


在此特定用例中,您正在(通过统一)将 cd 设置为 List auxsvysf(:) x,因为你想证明 xs = ys -> (:) x xs = (:) x ys