
Without alpha path how to decrease edge effect while paste icon

我有一个 RGB332 LCD 和一个糟糕的 MCU 来驱动它。 MCU 没有硬件加速器,RGB332 显示器也不支持 alpha 路径。

所以我使用颜色"black"作为"alpha color"来处理图标粘贴work.Which意味着我将图标颜色数据填充到背景缓冲区,而数据不是黑色。

我遇到的问题是图标显示了它自己的抗锯齿边缘,而背景不是黑色。而 "antialiased edge" 只是从背景中产生边缘效果。


主要问题是我没有 "Layer" 和 "Alpha" 来进行类似 PS 的合并工作。



  1. When each icon is being pasted,I could decide the front/background, which means I could detect the "antialiased edge" of the icons just like I have "layers".
  2. After I find the antialiased edges ,I filled the pixels with the middle color of the front/background.
  3. The LCD is RGB332,and the middle color calculation is just filling the edge with 75% background color + 25% front color. If the icon color is carefully designed, you don't even need a float calculation .
