如何处理 Assembly 中连接两个字符串的错误?

How to handle error on concatenation two string in Assembly?

对于我的作业,我想连接两个字符串。到目前为止,这是我的代码。结果应该是 helloworld ,但它只显示 hello :-(

如何在 destinationend 添加 source 字符串?


;--------------------In main.CPP

    extern "C" void __stdcall StrCatAsm(char[], char[]);

              char str1[] = {'h','e','l','l','o',0};
              char str2[] = {'w','o','r','l','d',0};
              string1 = 'h','e','l','l','o','w','o','r','l','d',0
    ;------------------In main.asm

    Concat PROC  uses eax edi ecx esi,

        mov al,0             ;looking for zero terminated
        mov ecx,100          ;number of possible loop
        mov edi, source    
        repne scasb           ;look for end of source
        not ecx               ;ecx is 6
        mov esi, destination  
        rep movsb            ;loop for copy ESI into EDI

    Concat ENDP


t1 = get string length of str1         ; find length not including zero terminate
t2 = get string length of str2         ; find length not including zero terminate
ct = (t1 + t2) + 1                     ; total length + 1 for zero terminate
dest = allocate memory for size ct     ; get total string length

n = 0
nt = 0

while str1[n] != 0                      ; Until you hit str1 zero terminate
   dest[nt] = str1[n]
   n = n + 1
   nt = nt+1

n = 0

while str2[n] != 0                      ; Until you hit str1 zero terminate
   dest[nt] = str2[n]
   n = n + 1
   nt = nt + 1

dest[nt] = 0                            ; final terminate string

How should I add source string at the end of destination ?

如果这是您所需要的,那么您应该在 destination 中查找终止零(而不是像您的代码那样在源代码中查找!)。
一旦找到终止零,您的 EDI 寄存器将超过其位置,因此您需要备份 1 个位置!

mov  al, 0             ;looking for zero terminated
mov  ecx, 100          ;any large number will do!
repne scasb            ;look for end of DESTINATION
mov  ecx, 6            ;length of SOURCE {'w','o','r','l','d',0};
mov  esi, SOURCE  
rep movsb              ;loop for copy ESI into EDI