如何防止弹性搜索 Nest 客户端将 poco 名称作为 slug 注入 URI 进行搜索?

How do I prevent the elastic search Nest client from injecting the poco name as a slug in the URI for a search?

下面的代码将生成一个包含 POCO 名称的 uri
我需要的只是 https://demo.com/query/slug1/myIndexName/_search

var node = new Uri("https://demo.com/query/slug1/");
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node, defaultIndex: "myIndexName");

int skipCount = 0;
int takeSize = 100;

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

    var searchResults = client.Search<myPoco>(x => x.Index("myIndexName")
        .Query(q => q
        .Bool(b => b
        .Must(m =>
            m.Match(mt1 => mt1.OnField(f1 => f1.status).Query("New")))))

    foundStuff = (List<myPoco>)searchResults.Documents;

    foreach (foundThing item in searchResults.Documents)
        //DO stuff

    skipCount = skipCount + takeSize;
} while (foundStuff.Count == 100);

我是不是漏掉了一些简单的东西,还是这个 AFU?

这不是 AFU :) NEST will infer the type name 将通用参数类型包含在 URI 中传递给 Search<T>()。您可以使用 .AllTypes()

var searchResults = client.Search<myPoco>(x => x
    // specify all types
    .Query(q => q
    .Bool(b => b
    .Must(m =>
        m.Match(mt1 => mt1.OnField(f1 => f1.status).Query("New")))))

请记住,这现在将搜索索引中的 所有类型 ,并尝试将每个类型反序列化为 myPoco 类型。

针对您的评论,indextype 是两个不同的概念,因此如果您将类型命名为与索引相同,您仍然会得到 ~/{index}/{type}/_search。与 NEST


var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))
    .MapDefaultTypeIndices(d => d.Add(typeof(myPoco), "myIndexName"));


var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))
    .MapDefaultTypeNames(d => d.Add(typeof(myPoco), "myType"));
