显示月份名称而不是月份编号 SQL 服务器

Displaying Month Name Instead of Month Number SQL Server

我有一个 select 声明,我正在其中提取日期。假设我在 table 中的日期是 2014-12-25,我希望这个实际上是 return December 2015。 SQL 是否有一个函数可以以干净的方式做到这一点?这是我的 select:

 select a.[amount] AS 'Amount', a.[Date] AS 'Month'

 FROM [myFirstTable] a
 left join [mySecondTable] b on a.[ID] = b.[ID]
 left join [myThirdTable] c on c.[code] = b.[code]

 where c.[myName] = 'John Doe'

我想要 return amountmonth name and year,有什么建议吗?


Returns a character string that represents the specified datepart of the specified date

select a.[amount] AS Amount, 
       DATENAME(Month,a.[Date]) AS [Month],
       Year(a.[Date]) as Year

 FROM [myFirstTable] a
 left join [mySecondTable] b on a.[ID] = b.[ID]
 left join [myThirdTable] c on c.[code] = b.[code]

 where c.[myName] = 'John Doe'


DATENAME(Month,a.[Date]) +' '+ convert(varchar(4),Year(a.[Date])) As Month_Year