CAShapeLayer 在动画期间检测触摸 Swift
CAShapeLayer detect touch during animation Swift
我可以像这样检测到 CAShapeLayer 的触摸 (touchesEnded):
let touchLocation : CGPoint = (touch as! UITouch).locationInView(self.view)
for shape in shapes{
if CGPathContainsPoint(shape.path, nil, touchLocation, false){
print("Layer touch")
我可以像这样为 CAShapeLayer 的路径设置动画:
let newShapePath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: toPoint, radius: 20, startAngle: CGFloat(0), endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI * 2), clockwise: true).CGPath
// animate the `path`
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
animation.toValue = newShapePath
animation.duration = CFTimeInterval(duration)
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth
animation.removedOnCompletion = false
shape.addAnimation(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
但是当动画发生时,在 CAShapeLayer 上没有检测到触摸。是否可以在为路径设置动画时检测到 CAShapeLayer 上的触摸?
您可以访问图层的 presentationLayer
以执行此操作。这将为您提供动画时给定图层的 'in flight' 值的粗略近似值。例如:
for shape in shapes {
// gets the layer's presentation layer if it exists – else fallback on the model layer
let presentationLayer = shape.presentationLayer() as? CAShapeLayer ?? shape
if CGPathContainsPoint(presentationLayer.path, nil, touchLocation, false){
print("Layer touch")
此外,作为旁注,如果您不使用动画委托,则使用 removedOnCompletion = false
通常被认为是不好的做法。不要让动画挥之不去,您应该只更新图层的模型值以表示其新状态。您可以通过 CATransaction
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
animation.fromValue = shape.path
animation.toValue = newShapePath
animation.duration = CFTimeInterval(duration)
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
shape.addAnimation(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
// update the layer's model values
shape.path = newShapePath
我可以像这样检测到 CAShapeLayer 的触摸 (touchesEnded):
let touchLocation : CGPoint = (touch as! UITouch).locationInView(self.view)
for shape in shapes{
if CGPathContainsPoint(shape.path, nil, touchLocation, false){
print("Layer touch")
我可以像这样为 CAShapeLayer 的路径设置动画:
let newShapePath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: toPoint, radius: 20, startAngle: CGFloat(0), endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI * 2), clockwise: true).CGPath
// animate the `path`
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
animation.toValue = newShapePath
animation.duration = CFTimeInterval(duration)
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth
animation.removedOnCompletion = false
shape.addAnimation(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
但是当动画发生时,在 CAShapeLayer 上没有检测到触摸。是否可以在为路径设置动画时检测到 CAShapeLayer 上的触摸?
您可以访问图层的 presentationLayer
以执行此操作。这将为您提供动画时给定图层的 'in flight' 值的粗略近似值。例如:
for shape in shapes {
// gets the layer's presentation layer if it exists – else fallback on the model layer
let presentationLayer = shape.presentationLayer() as? CAShapeLayer ?? shape
if CGPathContainsPoint(presentationLayer.path, nil, touchLocation, false){
print("Layer touch")
此外,作为旁注,如果您不使用动画委托,则使用 removedOnCompletion = false
通常被认为是不好的做法。不要让动画挥之不去,您应该只更新图层的模型值以表示其新状态。您可以通过 CATransaction
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
animation.fromValue = shape.path
animation.toValue = newShapePath
animation.duration = CFTimeInterval(duration)
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
shape.addAnimation(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
// update the layer's model values
shape.path = newShapePath