Cassandra 与 Hbase 的实时数据比较

Cassandra vs Hbase for real-time data

我正在寻找分布式实时数据访问工具。我读过 HBase 是 HadoopSQL 解决方案,它是 Google Big Table 的 Java 克隆,但比实时访问更适合批处理作业(而且速度慢,因为所有读写)。我还读到 Cassandra 适用于 "high availability".

我的理解对吗? Cassandra 是否比 HBase 或 BigTable 更适合实时数据库(分布式)?

Is Cassandra better suited for a real-time database (that's distributed) than HBase or BigTable?

是的,Cassandra 更适合 OLTP 工作负载,而 HBase 更适合 OLAP 工作负载,一般

在 Bigtable 方面... 来自 the cloud bigtable docs

Cloud Bigtable is Google's NoSQL Big Data database service. It's the same database that powers many core Google services, including Search, Analytics, Maps, and Gmail.

Bigtable is designed to handle massive workloads at consistent low latency and high throughput, so it's a great choice for both operational and analytical applications, including IoT, user analytics, and financial data analysis.