Google 播放安全警报 X509Trustmanager - 我的应用程序会在 5 月 17 日后从商店中删除吗?

Google Play Security Alert X509Trustmanager - Will my App be removed from store after May 17?

我有一个用 Titanium 开发的应用程序,在 Google play 中有 Trustmanager 安全警报。警报说:

"Your app is using an unsafe implementation of the X509TrustManager interface with an Apache HTTP client, resulting in a security vulnerability. Please see this Google Help Center article for details, including the deadline for fixing the vulnerability. Please address this issue as soon as possible and increment the version number of the upgraded APK. Beginning May 17, 2016, Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates containing the unsafe implementation of the interface X509TrustManager."

我的问题是如果我不更新我的应用程序会在 5 月 17 日之后被删除吗?


我不这么认为。但是从 5 月 17 日起,您将无法发布有此问题的应用。

一些 Appcelerator 应用最近面临这个问题,但 Appcelerator 团队也在他们的 API 中修复了这个问题。所以 Appcelerator 用户无需担心。

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