如何将 sh 的输出设置为 Groovy 变量?

How to set the output of sh to a Groovy variable?

是否可以将 sh 命令的输出设置为 Groovy 变量?它似乎正在将其设置为命令的状态。


node {
   stage "Current Date"
   def curDate = sh "date"
   echo "The current date is ${curDate}"


Entering stage Current Date
[Pipeline] sh
[workspace] Running shell script
+ date
Tue May 10 01:15:05 UTC 2016
[Pipeline] echo
The current date is 0

显示的是The current date is 0,我想让它显示The current date is Tue May 10 01:15:05 UTC 2016,你可以看到sh命令已经输出了。我做错了吗?

是的,sh 正在返回退出状态。目前你最好的选择是:

sh 'date > outFile'
curDate = readFile 'outFile'
echo "The current date is ${curDate}"

附录:写完此答案后,sh 步骤中添加了一个新选项,使用 returnStdout: truesh 调用中获取结果字符串。