如何在 emberjs 中使用 mirage 假数据进行分页?

how to do pagination using mirage fake data in emberjs?

我正在使用 Mirage 来创建虚假数据。


export default function(server) {
  server.createList('product', 48);

上面我正在创建 48 个产品,我正在调用控制器

this.store.query('product', {
                filter: {
                    limit: 10,
                    offset: 0
            }).then((result) => {

并在 mirage/config.js

this.get('/products', function(db) {
    let products = db.products;
    return {
      data: products.map(attrs => ({
        type: 'product',
        id: attrs.id,
        attributes: attrs

现在我的问题是,如何每页加载 10 个产品?我发送过滤器 10 作为页面大小,偏移量表示页码。

应该对 config.js 进行哪些更改以仅加载有限的产品?

在 mirage/config.js 中的处理程序中:

this.get('/products', function(db) {
    let images = db.images;
    return {
      data: images.map(attrs => ({
        type: 'product',
        id: attrs.id,
        attributes: attrs


this.get('/products', function(db, request) {
    let images = db.images;
    //use request to limit images here
    return {
      data: images.map(attrs => ({
        type: 'product',
        id: attrs.id,
        attributes: attrs

查看 this twiddle 以获得完整示例。 此 twiddle 包含以下内容的地方:

  this.get('tasks',function(schema, request){
    let qp = request.queryParams
    let page = parseInt(qp.page)
    let limit = parseInt(qp.limit)
    let start = page * limit
    let end = start + limit
    let filtered = tasks.slice(start,end)
    return {
      data: filtered


  this.get('products',function(db, request){
    let qp = request.queryParams
    let offset = parseInt(qp.offset)
    let limit = parseInt(qp.limit)
    let start = offset * limit
    let end = start + limit
    let images = db.images.slice(start,end)
    return {
      data: images.map(attrs => ({
        type: 'product',
        id: attrs.id,
        attributes: attrs

示例 todos,您可以根据自己的用例进行调整。

    // Fetch all todos
    this.get("/todos", (schema, request) => {
        const {queryParams: { pageOffset, pageSize }} = request
        const todos = schema.db.todos;
        if (Number(pageSize)) {
            const start = Number(pageSize) * Number(pageOffset)
            const end = start + Number(pageSize)
            const page = todos.slice(start, end)
            return {
                items: page,
                nextPage: todos.length > end ? Number(pageOffset) + 1 : undefined,
        return todos