将(实时)数据从 IBM Domino 数据库中提取到 rails 应用程序中

Extracting (live) data out of IBM Domino database into rails application

我有一些 Lotus Domino 数据库(IBM Notes 背后的数据库)存储了我的数据。 在我的 rails 应用程序中,我想分析数据以制作实时报告。

我的第一个想法是借助 Notes 中的代理导出数据,但它似乎效率很低,如果我想实时报告也无济于事。

有没有人有使用 Domino 数据库进行报告的经验?and/or 知道我如何(接近)我需要的东西吗?

您可以像 Pe Henrik 所说的那样使用 Domino Access Services。 您还可以编写自己的 API/function,它将 return 请求的数据作为 JSON(如果在不同的服务器上,则为 JSONP)。我在这里发过帖子: http://blog.texasswede.com/calling-a-notes-web-agent-from-another-server-using-jsonp/ 我也有两个介绍这个主题: http://blog.texasswede.com/mwlug-2015/ and http://blog.texasswede.com/my-connect-2016-presentation-demo-database/ 这些链接中还有示例代码。

但是创建一个向外部 Web 应用程序提供数据的 Lotusscript 代理并不难。

这是我的 Lotusscript class 可以帮助你 return JSON:

    Library Class.JSON by Karl-Henry Martinsson
    Created Oct 9, 2014 - Initial version
    Updated Nov 6, 2015 - Added JSONP support
    Description: Class to generate simple JSON from values

Option Public
Option Declare

Class JSONdata
    Private p_json List As String

    Public Sub New()
        '*** Set default value(s)
        me.p_json("ajaxstatus") = ""
    End Sub

        Property Set success
        Description: Set success to true or false
    %END REM
    Public Property Set success As Boolean
        If me.success Then 
            Call me.SetValue("ajaxstatus","success")
            Call me.SetValue("ajaxstatus","error")
        End If
    End Property

        Property Get success
        Description: Not really used...
    %END REM
    Public Property Get success As Boolean
        If me.p_json("ajaxstatus") = |"success"| Then
            me.success = True
            me.success = False
        End If
    End Property

        Sub SetMsg
        Description: Set msg item
    %END REM
    Public Sub SetMsg(message As String)
        Call me.SetValue("msg",message)
    End Sub

    Public Sub SetErrorMsg(message As String)
        Call me.SetValue("errormsg",message)
        me.success = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub SetValue(itemname As String, value As String)
        Dim tmp As String
        Dim delimiter As String
        '*** Check for quote (double and single) and fix value if needed
        tmp = Replace(value,Chr$(13),"<br>")
        tmp = FullTrim(Replace(tmp,Chr$(10),""))
        If InStr(tmp,|"|)>0 Then
            If InStr(tmp,|'|)>0 Then
                tmp = Replace(tmp,|"|,|"|)
                delimiter = |"|
                delimiter = |'|
            End If
            delimiter = |"|
        End If
        '*** Store value with delimiter in list
        me.p_json(itemname) = delimiter & tmp & delimiter
    End Sub

    Public Sub SetData(itemname As String, value As String)
        '*** Store value in list
        me.p_json(itemname) = value
    End Sub

        Function GetJSON
        Description: Return a JSON object as text
    %END REM
    Function GetJSON As String
        Dim json As String
        '*** Opening curly braces + CR
        json = "{" + Chr$(13)
        '*** Loop through all list elements and build JSON
        ForAll j In me.p_json
            json = json + |"| + ListTag(j) + |":| + j + "," + Chr$(13)
        End ForAll
        '*** Remove the comma after the last item
        json = Left$(json,Len(json)-2) + Chr$(13)
        '*** Add closing curly bracket and return JSON
        json = json + "}"
        GetJSON = json 
    End Function

        Sub SendToBrowser
        Description: Print JSON to browser, with correct MIME type
    %END REM
    Public Sub SendToBrowser()
        '*** MIME Header to tell browser what kind of data we will return (JSON).
        '*** See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt
        Print "content-type: application/json"
        Print me.GetJSON
    End Sub

        Sub SendJSONPToBrowser
        Description: Print JSONP to browser, with correct MIME type
    %END REM
    Public Sub SendJSONPToBrowser(callbackFunction As String)
        '*** MIME Header to tell browser what kind of data we will return (Javascript).
        '*** See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4329.txt
        Print "content-type: application/javascript"
        Print callbackFunction + "(" + me.GetJSON + ")"
    End Sub

End Class