
Scroll to view buttons where there are a varying number of buttons

我有 selected 个句子。

1) 句子可以变化。

2) 我有 split 个句子的每个单词。

下面的代码从 Selection 创建了 Word array 的列表。

Sub Seperate_Words()

    Dim WrdArray() As String

    WrdArray() = Split(Selection)

    For i = LBound(WrdArray) To UBound(WrdArray)
        strg = strg & vbNewLine & WrdArray(i)
    Next i

    MsgBox strg

End Sub

现在我想在每个单词前加一个Search button





创建一个用户窗体(我已将我的窗体命名为 "frmSearchForm")

在上面创建一个框架(我的是 "framTest")



Public WithEvents mButtonGroup As msforms.CommandButton

Private Sub mButtonGroup_Click()
'This is where you add your routine to do something when the button is pressed
MsgBox mButtonGroup.Caption & " has been pressed" 'Just Example Code
End Sub

然后在 ThisDocument 模块中,添加以下代码:

Dim mcolEvents As New Collection

Sub createButtonsOnForm()

Dim Cmd As msforms.CommandButton

'create instance of class
Dim cBtnEvents As clsUserFormEvents

'array for selection
Dim wordArr() As String

'get selection into array
wordArr = Split(Selection, " ")

Dim i As Integer

'counter for the top position of buttons
Dim topcounter As Integer

topcounter = 10

'loop through array
For i = LBound(wordArr) To UBound(wordArr) Step 1

    'create button
    Set Cmd = frmSearchForm.framTest.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "Test")

    'Adjust properties of it
    With Cmd
        .Caption = wordArr(i)
        .Left = 100
        .Top = topcounter
        .Width = 50
        .Height = 20
    End With

    'Instantiate Class
    Set cBtnEvents = New clsUserFormEvents

    'Add cmd to event in class
    Set cBtnEvents.mButtonGroup = Cmd

    'Add buttonevent to collection so it won't get deleted in next iteration of the loop
    mcolEvents.Add cBtnEvents

    'increase the top position
    topcounter = topcounter + 25
Next i

'show userform
End Sub

然后如果你 运行 这个子,选择被分成数组,为每个元素创建一个按钮(选择部分作为标题),如果你按下按钮, class 被调用,您可以在其中使用 mButtonGroup.Caption 属性 来获取按钮的值。


我已经选择了单词 "Test1" 和 "Test2",现在当我 运行 Sub 时,表单打开时有 2 个按钮(测试 1 和测试 2):