是否可以在 Chrome 网上商店中进行部分推出?

Is it possible to perform a partial roll out in the Chrome web store?

This comment 提到在 Chrome 网上商店中部分推出。我在哪里可以找到该功能?我的扩展有 8,000 多个用户,但我没有看到任何部分推出功能,我不敢同时向所有用户发送下一个版本。

我认为 任何地方都没有记录 我错了!

文档 link:Control how fast your app reaches users
在 CWS 术语中,这称为“受控推出”。

If you don’t see the max deploy percentage control, it may be because of the following:

  • You have less than 10,000 users. Currently the “controlled rollout” feature is only available for items with at least 10,000 users.
  • You need to upload a newer (higher) version of a package to use the “controlled rollout” feature. We can’t apply a controlled rollout to an already published package, because it may have already reached 100% of users.

它应该在您上传尚未发布的新版本显示在编辑页面上。这是 a mention of it 及其外观:


更新: 在新的网上商店仪表板中它被称为 "Partial Rollout" 并且具有相同的 10k 用户要求。