如何设置为 class

How to set active to the class

我正在通过 changeCulture 方法更改语言,即 ;

public ActionResult ChangeCulture(Culture lang, string returnUrl)
    if (returnUrl.Length >= 3) returnUrl = returnUrl.Substring(3);
    return Redirect("/" + lang.ToString() + returnUrl);

这里是 html 部分;

 <li class="currency-EUR">
    <a href="@Url.Action("ChangeCulture", "Home", new { lang = (int)SkycapGaming.Culture.Tr, returnUrl = this.Request.RawUrl })">TR</a>
    <input type="hidden" value="TR">
<li class="currency-USD">
    <a href="@Url.Action("ChangeCulture", "Home", new { lang = (int)SkycapGaming.Culture.En, returnUrl = this.Request.RawUrl })">EN</a>
    <input type="hidden" value="EN">

我想将活动设置为 <li class="currency-EUR"> 当页面打开时,它应该是 <li class="currency-EUR active">

当您在 url 中传递语言时,您可以提取它然后像

一样使用 javascript
var url = window.location.href; //this return full url: http://webiste.com/eur/something.html
url = url.split("/");
url = url[1];
if(url == "eur"){
   $(".currency-USD").removeClass("active"); // in case it was already set