ElseIf 语句未到达 Msgbox 错误

ElseIf Statement Not Reaching Msgbox Error


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim weight As Decimal
        Dim height As Decimal
        Dim bmi As Decimal
        weight = InputBox("enter weight")
        height = InputBox("enter height")
        If weight > 10 And weight <= 600 And height >= 0.5 And height <= 2.7 Then
            bmi = weight / (height) ^ 2
        ElseIf weight <= 10 And weight > 600 Then
            MsgBox("you have enterd in valid data it must be above 10 and below or equal 600")
        ElseIf height < 0.5 And height > 2.7 Then
            MsgBox("you have enterd in valid data it must between 0.5 and 2.7 inclusive")
        End If
        TextBox1.Text = bmi
End Sub


ElseIf weight <= 10 And weight > 600 Then
        MsgBox("you have enterd in valid data it must be above 10 and below or equal 600")
    ElseIf height < 0.5 And height > 2.7 Then
        MsgBox("you have enterd in valid data it must between 0.5 and 2.7 inclusive")
    End If

您的体重绝不会同时小于或等于 10 且大于 600。同样适用于高度

您需要使用 OR 而不是 AND

请检查您的条件。 任何值都不能小于 10 也不能大于 600。 例如。让我们称重 = 3。 小于10但不大于600.
