管理 KML 线串属性

Managing a KML Linestring properties

我正在绘制 LineString。出于某种原因,我似乎没有影响 LineStyle。我的代码看起来与许多示例相同,但无论我在 LineStyle 中放置什么颜色或宽度,它总是显示为蓝色粗线。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
    <name>Qtr Min Grid Maker</name>
  <Style id="linestyle1">

如果我将共享样式移动到顶层(在 <Document> 标签内),它对我有用:


来自the documentation(见<StyleSelector>的描述):

A style defined within a Feature is called an "inline style" and applies only to the Feature that contains it. A style defined as the child of a <Document> is called a "shared style." A shared style must have an id defined for it. This id is referenced by one or more Features within the <Document>.

你的既不是 <Document> 的 child 也不属于 <Placemark>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
  <Style id="linestyle1">
    <name>Qtr Min Grid Maker</name>