通知用户您使用他们的 IP 地址

notifying user you use their IP address

我正在 PHP 中制作一个统计程序,但我需要通知用户我正在存储他们的 IP 地址吗?我已将其转换为 INTip2long,但我不确定是否允许在没有通知或您网站上的隐私声明的情况下使用它。

简而言之: 是否允许在访问者不知情的情况下保存访问者 IP?

An IP address in isolation is not personal data under the Data Protection Act, according to the Information Commissioner. But an IP address can become personal data when combined with other information or when used to build a profile of an individual, even if that individual's name is unknown.

In the hands of an ISP an IP address becomes personal data when combined with other information that is held – which will include a customer's name and address. In the hands of a website operator, it can become personal data through user profiling. Most sites do not profile their users using IP addresses. They typically use IP addresses for demographic purposes such as counting visitors, their countries of origin and their choice of ISP. Their organisation might also be identifiable.

Sites typically gather statistical data about the path that users take through a website and the page from which they left the site. Banking websites might also use IP addresses as a security measure – for example, if a customer regularly accesses his account from an IP address in London, access to that customer's account from an IP address in Moscow might indicate fraud. The most common privacy concern surrounding IP addresses is their use in marketing. A visitor's path through a website could be followed and any adverts that are clicked can be identified. On the next visit, that user could be shown ads that are similar to those he clicked on the previous visit. But this fails when the user has a dynamic IP address: the user will be unknown.


Accordingly, most websites prefer to use cookies to track users for personalised marketing purposes in preference to IP addresses. A cookie is a small text file that is sent from a website to a visitor's computer. The cookie file can be used to identify an individual and a website operator can build a detailed profile of that person's activity at its site. Users can set their web browsers to refuse cookies but most users accept them, often unwittingly.

我可能是错的,但由于 IP 不是个人数据,而且您只是将其用于人口统计目的,因此您不必通知用户。这个过程几乎是合法的,几乎所有网站都使用它来进行跟踪。

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