添加 "Examples:" 时出现 Specflow 自定义工具错误

Specflow custom tool error when adding "Examples:"


Feature: Homepage
    As a webiste user
    I want to see a pretty homepage

Scenario: Homepage Display
    Given I am on an ecommerce <website>
    When I look at the content
    Then I should see a swiper

| Description | website             |
| Local       | localhost:9000      |
| Development | dev.mysite.com      |

但是 Visual Studio 2015 年不会构建它说:

Custom tool error: (10:1): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #DocStringSeparator, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #ScenarioOutlineLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Examples:'

如果我删除 示例: 就可以了。


我正在使用,来自 NuGet:


并且我使用 "Unit Test Project"、Framework 4.5.1 来创建我的项目。


示例只能与场景大纲一起使用。场景大纲是 运行 具有不同数据集的场景的方法。

如果您将 Scenario 更改为 Scenario Outline,您的示例将起作用:

Feature: Homepage
    As a webiste user
    I want to see a pretty homepage

Scenario Outline: Homepage Display
    Given I am on an ecommerce <website>
    When I look at the content
    Then I should see a swiper

| Description | website             |
| Local       | localhost:9000      |
| Development | dev.mysite.com      |

GitHub Cucumber 页面对 Scenario Outlines 有很好的解释: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Scenario-outlines