NDB 游标不记得一些查询数据?

NDB cursors not remembering some query data?


results, cursor, more = MyModel.query(


results, cursor, more = MyModel.query() \
    .order(-MyModel.time) \
    .fetch_page(20, start_cursor=Cursor(urlsafe=request.cursor))

而且...奇怪的事情发生了。绝对太多的结果,无序的结果......这是怎么回事? 所以我将其更改为:

results, cursor, more = MyModel.query(ancestor=mykey) \
    .order(-MyModel.time) \
    .fetch_page(20, start_cursor=Cursor(urlsafe=request.cursor))

突然间,wat less results...让我们添加



现在...我在这里遗漏了什么吗?传递游标不应该已经处理好排序和祖先吗?文档中有用于获取初始页面的排序示例 - https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/queries#cursors - 但没有任何地方说后续页面也需要设置排序。我只想知道,这是否真的按预期工作,或者这是一个错误?


来自 Query Cursors(我的重点):

A query cursor is a small opaque data structure representing a resumption point in a query. This is useful for showing a user a page of results at a time; it's also useful for handling long jobs that might need to stop and resume. A typical way to use them is with a query's fetch_page() method. It works somewhat like fetch(), but it returns a triple (results, cursor, more). The returned more flag indicates that there are probably more results; a UI can use this, for example, to suppress a "Next Page" button or link. To request subsequent pages, pass the cursor returned by one fetch_page() call into the next.



使用变量存储查询以供重复使用而不是每次都重新构建它可能是一个好习惯,以避免此类意外错误。如该文档的 snippets.py 示例所示:

# Set up.
q = Bar.query()
q_forward = q.order(Bar.key)
q_reverse = q.order(-Bar.key)

# Fetch a page going forward.
bars, cursor, more = q_forward.fetch_page(10)

# Fetch the same page going backward.
r_bars, r_cursor, r_more = q_reverse.fetch_page(10, start_cursor=cursor)

旁注:此示例实际上使用一个查询中的游标来导航另一个查询中的结果,但是这 2 个查询被设计为 "compatible".