
Using prior cases in case type signature


type Tree=
    | Node of Tree
    | Leaf

但是有什么方法可以在类型签名中引用其他情况吗?以下两个都会引发 "The type 'Year' is not defined" & "The type 'Month' is not defined"

type Period =
    | Year of int
    | Month of Year * int
    | Day of Month * int
type Period' =
    | Year of int
    | Month of Period'.Year * int
    | Day of Period'.Month * int

是否有某种形式的注释或关键字(类似于 rec)允许这种用法?

我认为您对什么构成工会案件感到困惑。您不能将联合案例作为类型引用。我认为您正在寻找的是像这样的单例 DU:

type Year = Year of int
type Month = | Month of Year * int
type Day = Month * int
type Period =
  | Year of Year
  | Month of Month
  | Day of Day