PHP 默认值和打印问题

PHP Default value and Print Issues

我目前正在尝试使我的 php 在与表单相同的页面上正确显示值并计算总体及格评分。我的计算遵循这样的格式:

C = ((# 完成/#attempts) *100 -30)/20

Y= ((# yards/#attempts) -3)/4

T = ((#touchdowns/#attempts) *20)

I = 2.375 - (#interceptions/#attempts) * 35

通过率 = ((C+Y+T+I)/6) *100

保存表单值的 table 应该有一个默认值 0 并且在它下面应该根据及格者评分打印差、好和极好的总体评分。

如您所见,我遇到了一些问题。 我的问题是:

及格率不默认为 0。

我的总体评价不打印是差、好还是好。它只打印 Poor

我希望有人能解释一下。我已经排查了几个小时了。不幸的是没有运气。 ps(总评分打印两次看我想用哪个版本)

此外,该代码段不会 运行 php,除非您的伴奏上有 php。需要一个服务器才能看到它,即使是我猜的片段

更新:我用 20 而不是 4 来划分 Y 值。这修正了我的计算,但没有修正整体评级。


if(($_POST['First'] != '') && ($_POST['Last'] != ''))

这样我就可以保留 table 的默认设置。



$first = "";
$last = "";
$completions = 0;
$attempts = 0;
$yards = 0;
$touchdowns = 0;
$interceptions = 0;
$TotalScores = 0;

if(isset($_POST['First'])) {
        $first = $_POST['First'];


        $last = $_POST['Last'];

if(isset($_POST['completions'])) {

 $completions = $_POST['completions']; 
if(isset($_POST['attempts'])) {
        $attempts = $_POST['attempts'];


        $yards = $_POST['yards'];

if(isset($_POST['touchdowns'])) {

 $touchdowns = $_POST['touchdowns']; 

if(isset($_POST['interceptions'])) {

        $interceptions = $_POST['interceptions'];

function rating ($com, $att, $yards, $touchd, $inter){

 //$C = 0;
 //$Y = 0;
 //$T = 0;
 //$I = 0;
 $passRating = 0;


 $C = ((($com /$att)*100)-30) / 20;
 $Y = (($yards/$att)-3)/4;
 $T = ($touchd/$att)*20;
 $I = 2.375 - (($inter/$att)*35);

 $passRating = (($C + $Y + $T + $I)/6)*100;

 return $passRating;

if(is_numeric($completions) && is_numeric($attempts) && is_numeric($yards)
    && is_numeric($touchdowns) && is_numeric($interceptions)) {

    //if(($_POST['completions'] >0) && ($_POST['attempts'] >0) && ($_POST['yards'] >0)
    //      && ($_POST['touchdowns'] >0) && ($_POST['interceptions'] >0) ){

if(($_POST['First'] != '') && ($_POST['Last'] != '')){

    $TotalScore = rating($completions, $attempts, $yards,
                            $touchdowns, $interceptions);
    //echo $TotalScore;
    if ($TotalScore < 85 && $TotalScore >0){
    $score = "Poor";

    elseif($TotalScore >=85 && $TotalScore <90){
    $score = "Mediocre";
    elseif ($TotalScore >=90 && $TotalScore <95){
    $score = "Good";

    elseif ($score >= 95){
    $score = "Great";
else {

    $score = "Invalid Input!";
    //echo $TotalScore;

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<h1 class = "name"><font color = "orange" font size = "20px"> Passer Ratings |  </font><font size = "12" font color = "#4EA24E"> Monitor Your Results to Improve!</font></h1>

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 <div id = "Main">

   <div class = "MainImage">

  <h1 class = "title"> Knowing your Strengths and Weaknesses..<br></h1>
  <p id = "sub"><font color= "#4DFFFF"><strong> Makes</strong>
    </font> a great player... </p>

   </div><!-- end MainImage-->
  <form id ="form-box" action = 'passrating.php' method = 'post'>
  <h1>Calculate Passer Rating<br><br> 
  <h2>Submit to Review the information </h2>

      <label>First Name </label>
      <input type="text" name = 'First' placeholder='First'/><br/>
      <label>Last Name:</label>
      <input type="text" name = 'Last' placeholder='Last'/><br/>
  <label>Pass Completions</label>
      <input type="text" name = 'completions' value = 0 class = 'numInput'><br/>
  <label>Pass Attempts:</label>
                <input type="text" name = 'attempts' value = 0><br/>
                <label>Total Passing Yards:</label>
                <input type="text" name = 'yards' value = 0><br/>
                <input type="text" name = 'touchdowns' value = 0><br/>
                <input type="text" name = 'interceptions' value = 0><br/>
  <button type="reset" value="Reset">Reset</button>
  <button type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button>


<div class='calcContainer'>

  <table class='table' action = 'passrating.php' method = 'post'>
  <h3>Totals for Calculations</h3>
    <tr> Test Case:<?php echo "\t" .$first. "\t" .$last; ?></tr>
      <td>Pass Completions </td>
      <td width = "20px"><span value = 0><?php echo $completions; ?></td>
      <td>Pass Attempts </td>
      <td><span value = 0><?php echo $attempts; ?></td>
      <td>Total Passing Yards </td>
      <td><span value = 0><?php echo $yards; ?></td>
      <td>Touchdowns </td>
      <td><span value =0><?php echo $touchdowns; ?></td>
      <td>Interceptions: </td>
      <td><span value = 0 ><?php echo $interceptions; ?></td>
      <td>Passing Rating: </td>
      <td><span value = 0 ><?php echo $TotalScore; ?></td>

 <p value = " ">The Overall Rating is: <?php echo $score; ?></p>

 <p value = ""><?php echo "The Overall Rating is: " .$score. "</br>"; ?></p> 



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<h1 class = "name"><font color = "orange" font size = "20px"> Passer Ratings |  </font><font size = "12" font color = "#4EA24E"> Monitor Your Results to Improve!</font></h1>

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            <div class = "MainImage">

        <h1 class = "title"> Knowing your Strengths and Weaknesses..<br></h1>
        <p id = "sub"><font color= "#4DFFFF"><strong> Makes</strong>
                </font> a great player... </p>

            </div><!-- end MainImage-->

        <form id ="form-box" action = 'passrating.php' method = 'post'>
        <h1>Calculate Passer Rating<br><br> 
        <h2>Submit to Review the information </h2>

            <label>First Name </label>
            <input type="text" name = 'First' placeholder='First'/><br/>
            <label>Last Name:</label>
            <input type="text" name = 'Last' placeholder='Last'/><br/>
        <label>Pass Completions</label>
            <input type="text" name = 'completions' value = 0 class = 'numInput'><br/>
        <label>Pass Attempts:</label>
                <input type="text" name = 'attempts' value = 0><br/>
                <label>Total Passing Yards:</label>
                <input type="text" name = 'yards' value = 0><br/>
                <input type="text" name = 'touchdowns' value = 0><br/>
                <input type="text" name = 'interceptions' value = 0><br/>
        <button type="reset" value="Reset">Reset</button>
        <button type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button>


<div class='calcContainer'>

  <table class='table' action = 'passrating.php' method = 'post'>
  <h3>Totals for Calculations</h3>
    <tr> Test Case:<?php echo "\t" .$first. "\t" .$last; ?></tr>
      <td>Pass Completions </td>
      <td width = "20px"><span value = 0><?php echo $completions; ?></td>
      <td>Pass Attempts </td>
      <td><span value = 0><?php echo $attempts; ?></td>
      <td>Total Passing Yards </td>
      <td><span value = 0><?php echo $yards; ?></td>
      <td>Touchdowns </td>
      <td><span value =0><?php echo $touchdowns; ?></td>
      <td>Interceptions: </td>
      <td><span value = 0 ><?php echo $interceptions; ?></td>
      <td>Passing Rating: </td>
      <td><span value = 0 ><?php echo $TotalScore; ?></td>

    <p value = " ">The Overall Rating is: <?php echo $score; ?></p>

    <p value = ""><?php echo "The Overall Rating is: " .$score. "</br>"; ?></p> 




if(is_numeric($completions) && is_numeric($attempts) && is_numeric($yards) 
&& is_numeric($touchdowns) && is_numeric($interceptions)) {

//if(($_POST['completions'] >0) && ($_POST['attempts'] >0) && ($_POST['yards'] >0)
//  && ($_POST['touchdowns'] >0) && ($_POST['interceptions'] >0) ){

if(($_POST['First'] != '') && ($_POST['Last'] != '')){  

//  $TotalScore = rating($completions, $attempts, $yards, 
//              $touchdowns, $interceptions);

 if(($_POST['completions'] <0) || ($_POST['attempts'] <0) || ($_POST['yards'] <0)
          || ($_POST['touchdowns'] <0) || ($_POST['interceptions'] <0) ){

      $score =  "</br></br><strong>Invalid Input!</strong></br>Please Provide non-Negative Numbers.";

//echo $TotalScore; 
else {

    $TotalScore = rating($completions, $attempts, $yards,
                            $touchdowns, $interceptions);

    if($TotalScore < 0) {

     $score =  "</br></br><strong>Invalid Results</strong></br>Please review over your scores.          The Passing Rating shouldn't be negative.";


    if($TotalScore > 0 && $TotalScore <85){
        $score = "Poor";

    elseif($TotalScore >=85 && $TotalScore <90){
        $score = "Mediocre";
    elseif ($TotalScore >=90 && $TotalScore <95){
        $score = "Good";

    elseif ($TotalScore >= 95){
        $score = "Great";

在这种情况下,您可以使用我的小型库 ValueResolver,例如:

$value = ValueResolver::resolve('', 'default value'); // returns 'default value' because first argument is empty

并且不要忘记使用命名空间 use LapaLabs\ValueResolver\Resolver\ValueResolver;


$id = ValueResolver::toInteger('6 apples', 1); // returns 6
$id = ValueResolver::toInteger('There are no apples', 1); // returns 1 (used default value)

查看 docs 以获取更多示例