有没有一种好方法来跟踪传递给 类 的参数变量

Is there a good way to keep track of argument variables passed into classes

public class Tester {

   private double length;
   private double width;
   private double height;

   public Tester(double ________1, double _________2, double _________3){

      length = _________1
      width =  _________2
      height = _________3

   }//Tester constructor
}//Tester class


例如 _____1、_____2、_____3 的好名字是什么?

会不会是 testerLength、testerWidth、testerHeight 之类的东西?

参数的名称应该很有意义,因为您会在 Javadoc 中看到它们。 这里有多种选择,我举几个例子:

每个参数前的 a

public Tester(double aLength, double aWidth, double aHeight) {
    length = aLength;
    width = aWidth;
    height = aHeight;

如@Cyber​​ 所述:使用 _:

public Tester(double length, double _width, double _height) {
    length = _length;
    width = _width;
    height = _height;


public Tester(double length, double width, double height) {
    this.length = length;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;