davezuko/react-redux-starter-kit 创建 nodejs api 个端点。如何?

davezuko/react-redux-starter-kit create nodejs api endpoints. How to?

我刚刚开始探索来自 davezuko 的 reactjs-redux boilerplate 结构是分形的,我搜索了一种方法来实现 api 端点以从 mongodb.[=13 获取数据=]

有哪些方法?方法是创建一个新路由并以某种方式与 Koa 服务器交互?

阅读样板文档,作者似乎只包含 Koa 服务器以加载热模块中间件。

如果您想要为 mongodb 创建您自己的 API 端点,您可能想要创建您自己的端点以分离关注点。



This starter kit comes packaged with an Koa server. It's important to note that the sole purpose of this server is to provide webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware for hot module replacement. Using a custom Koa app in place of webpack-dev-server makes it easier to extend the starter kit to include functionality such as API's, universal rendering, and more -- all without bloating the base boilerplate.