PHP/MYSQL BETWEEN Numbers 循环相同的函数

PHP/MYSQL BETWEEN Numbers Looping same function


    function displayMatrixNumbers()
        $statement = "SELECT number, association, image_file, skeleton, sound, colour, comments ";
        $statement .= "FROM num_image ";
        $statement .= "ORDER BY number ";
        $sqlResults = selectResults($statement);
        $error_or_rows = $sqlResults[0];
        if (substr($error_or_rows, 0 , 5) == 'ERROR')
            print "<br />Error on DB";
            print $error_or_rows;
        } else {
            $arraySize = $error_or_rows;
            for ($i=1; $i <= $error_or_rows; $i++)
                $number = $sqlResults[$i]['number'];
                $association = $sqlResults[$i]['association'];
                $image_file = $sqlResults[$i]['image_file'];
                $skeleton = $sqlResults[$i]['skeleton'];
                $sound = $sqlResults[$i]['sound'];
                $colour = $sqlResults[$i]['colour'];
                $comments = $sqlResults[$i]['comments'];
                print "<div id='mcnumbers-container'>";
                print "<h3>".$number."</h3>";
                print "<p><img id='mcnumber-image' src='images/matrix/".$number. ' - '.$association.".jpg'>";
                print "<br />".$association."</p>";
                print "</div>";



  1. 尽可能简化我的代码。

  2. 我想使用此代码并在不同的 DIV 选项卡中粘贴函数 displayMatrixNumbers() 100 次,或者使用函数可能不是最佳做法?

    在 pastebin 中,我想将行:$statement .= "ORDER BY number "; 更改为 $statement .= "BETWEEN 00 to 09 ORDER BY ASC "; 或类似的内容?

但是,对于我正在构建的项目,我需要将两个数字之间的值从“00 到 09”更改为“10 到 19”再到“20 到 29”等等。

简而言之,是否可以从函数外部仅更改 BETWEEN 数字。这样 'some how' 我可以输入两个数字 $lownum = '00'; $highnum = '09'; 然后 $statement .= "BETWEEN $lownum to $highnum ORDER BY ASC "

假设我有 3 个 DIV

<div id="div1">
<?php displayMatrixNumbers(); ?> /* This one displays 00 to 09 */
<div id="div2randomID">
<?php displayMatrixNumbers(); ?> /* 10 to 19 */
<div id="div3">
<?php displayMatrixNumbers(); ?> /* 20 to 29.. and so on */

假设我有 100 个 div 的..我如何才能具体告诉每个人只显示我想要的结果而不创建 100 个单独的 .php 页面?我知道我需要某种只编辑 BETWEEN 数字的循环,但不知道怎么做?


我是新手,如果不是全部 PHP 我已经用过了,我很抱歉,并希望向大家展示如何使用 PHP 完成此操作。

干杯, 丹 :)

使用class解决永久显示问题。 类 保存可以存储和重复使用的数据。

class display {
    private $count = 0;
    public function display(){
        for($i = $this->count; $i < $this->count + 10; $i++){
            echo $i;
        $this->count += 10;
$display = new display();

$display->display(); //prints 0 - 9
$display->display(); // prints 10 - 19
$display->display(); //prints 20 - 21

如果您使用 LIMIT sql 子句,您可以很容易地完成此操作


    $statement = "SELECT number, association, image_file, 
                         skeleton, sound, colour, comments
                  FROM num_image 
                  ORDER BY number
                  LIMIT $start, 10";

    $sqlResults = selectResults($statement);

    $error_or_rows = $sqlResults[0];

   // I am not sure what library you are using to access your database
   // but there must be a better way of identifying errors
   // than this next piece of code
    if (substr($error_or_rows, 0 , 5) == 'ERROR')
        print "<br />Error on DB";
        print $error_or_rows;

    } else {

        foreach ( $sqlResults as $row ) {
            $number       = $row['number'];
            $association  = $srow['association'];
            $image_file   = $row['image_file'];
            $skeleton     = $row['skeleton'];
            $sound        = $row['sound'];
            $colour       = $row['colour'];
            $comments     = $row['comments'];

            print "<div id='mcnumbers-container'>";
            print "<h3>".$number."</h3>";
            print "<p><img id='mcnumber-image' src='images/matrix/".$number. ' - '.$association.".jpg'>";

            print "<br />".$association."</p>";
            print "</div>";



<div id="div1">

<?php displayMatrixNumbers(0); ?> /* This one displays 00 to 09 */

<div id="div2randomID">

<?php displayMatrixNumbers(10); ?> /* 10 to 19 */

<div id="div3">

<?php displayMatrixNumbers(20); ?> /* 20 to 29.. and so on */
