C++ 使用模板为特定枚举值创建方法

C++ using templates to create methods for specific enum values


下面我有一些 isValid*() 方法。如您所见,它们都具有相同的结构,因此我想将它们组合成一个方法。也许模板对此有用?也许不是。


enum Dir { East, West, South, North }

bool isValidFromWest(const Dir dir)
  switch (dir)
    case West:    return foo(dir);
    case East:    return true;
    case North:   return false;
    case South:   return false;

bool isValidFromEast(const Dir dir)
  switch (dir)
    case East:    return foo(dir);
    case West:    return true;
    case North:   return false;
    case South:   return false;

bool isValidFromSouth(const Dir dir)
  switch (dir)
    case South:   return foo(dir);
    case North:   return true;
    case West:    return false;
    case East:    return false;

bool isValidFromNorth(const Dir dir)
  switch (dir)
    case North:   return foo(dir);
    case South:   return true;
    case West:    return false;
    case East:    return false;


模板选择发生在传递给模板的类型之上 function/user 定义的类型,而不依赖于枚举等值。


enum Dir { East, West };

void doStuff()
// This method should be resolved at compile time
void  opposite()

void  isValid(const Dir dir)
  switch (dir)
    case East:
    case West:

int main()
    return 0;


为了简单起见,需要手动将enum Dir的值改为一些特殊值(两个相反方向之和为零)。

enum Dir{East = -2, West = 2, South = -1, North = 1};

bool foo(const Dir dir)
    //Do something
    return false;

template< Dir n >
struct CalDir
    static bool isValid(const Dir dir)
        switch (dir)
        case n:     return foo(dir);
        case 0 - n: return true;
        default:    return false;

int main()
    Dir a = East;
    CalDir<East>::isValid(a); //Equivalents to isValidFromWest(a)
    Dir b = North;
    CalDir<South>::isValid(b);//equivalents to isValidFromSouth(b)

    return 0;